Via the Anti- Eviction Taskforce Facebook page.
“Great start to a new year, Update on "Constitution Halts District Court"
After a commercial "fine" could not be paid due to CORK DISTRICT COURT failing to produce a "Valid" operating license to show where they get there authority from. On the alleged notice the DISTRICT COURT requested payment of a fine to be made on the 19th of December issuing terrible threats if this fine was not paid. But after the failure to produce licensing complaint was made to Gardai, instead on the 19th (day fine was to be paid) we received a letter from Garda Headquarters in Anglesea Street Cork basically saying that the complaint was recognized and gave us advice on how to follow up our complaint, eventually advising us to seek legal advice as we challenge the authority of this DISTRICT COURT.
Yesterday we were in with Gardai again, who told us it is now a civil case and has nothing to do with gardai and wished us the best of luck and told us they like and respect what we are doing, and good on us for standing up for our rights. So we will now be taking this matter further, we would like to actually thank Gardai for there time and patients over the last few weeks as we realize it was the first time Gardai had to deal with a complaint like this and in fairness they could not have been more respectful to us over the last few weeks.
As the DISTRICT COURT also flies the European Union Flag and are the ones who criminally deceive and lie to Gardai to implement EU "Acts" and commercial business policy as being "Law" for financial gain this now also evokes serious questions which need answering about the whole authority of the European Union. Its kind of funny when you think challenging the authority of a parking fine has the potential to crash the entire system of corruption. Please don't fear these Courts anymore, learn from our example stand up for your rights and challenge everything. Hope everyone has a healthy and peaceful 2013”
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