Earlier today, looking at a secretary of a Fine Gael TD straight in the face, I told her the Irish people deserve better than Fine Gael. She had no answer for me when a series of questions were put to her. Her face showed the guilt and the realisation that particular political party has sold the Irish out. Earlier today (12th July!!!) Fine Gael voted to directly and intentionally kill the unborn child in the womb by abortion. With the bill to go to the Seanad and the Supreme Court, we all continue to pray and urge the bill to be killed and not the child. A rant about Fine Gael is not necessary. Enda Kenny, James Reilly and Alan Shatter have done a great job in shattering their own political party. Like Fianna Fail and Labour, Fine Gael is mortally wounded.
Men like Peter Matthews, who has written about fractional reserve banking and stated there is no justification for austerity, has been expelled from the Fine Gael parliamentary party. Others have also been expelled for opposing the abortion bill. Enda Kenny like Michael Noonan, has shown himself to be a thug and a bully. One only has to remember what Michael Noonan did to the late Bridget McCole.
The Fine Gael solution to austerity seems to be abortion.
The reality is the Irish deserve better than Fine Gael. Whilst Fine Gael fights over “lapgate”, an event where one politician drunkenly, it seems placed a female colleague on his lap in the parliament during a live “debate” (farce) on abortion. They don’t give two hoots about the unborn or our Nation.
There are those, who do and will fight for the lives of the unborn child, their mothers, their fathers.
In a wider context Fine Gael are absolute traitors and Kenny, Shatter and Reilly should take a bow for destroying their party and for awakening thousands of Irish people, who oppose abortion and what Fine Gael and Labour is doing to Ireland and her people.
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