Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Revenue responds to “Attack The Tax”
An important update from Attack The Tax
Revenue have finally broken their silence and contacted Acorn to Oak Communications. Please see the letter they sent below and our response.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
“It is the hour for action”
Readers will be aware the pro-abortion President Michael D. Higgins has signed the abortion bill into law. Nobody is particularly surprised this “champion of human rights” signed a bill that legalises the murder of unborn babies in the womb.
Those opposing us in the religious and moral sphere are distinguishable. T&A has produced a few graphics that folk can use and share.
See also
Hold your ground! Hold your ground!
Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers,
I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me.
A day may come when the courage of men fails,
when we forsake our friends
and break all bonds of fellowship,
but it is not this day.
An hour of wolves and shattered shields,
when the age of men comes crashing down,
but it is not this day!
This day we fight!!
By all that you hold dear on this good Earth,
I bid you stand, Men of the West!!!
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Victim of Abortion!
Below is Baby Daniel, who was murdered by abortion in America found in a dumpster. Those that voted for abortion in Ireland voted for murder. Daniel was given a Christian burial. Each day, babies are murdered by abortion and we must fight this evil in Ireland.
Operation Rescue/Operation Save America
Saturday, July 27, 2013
The Silent Scream
Friday, July 26, 2013
The Party System
The political party system is dead and Irish people are looking beyond left v right politics.
Labour Party Meltdown!
LABOUR has lost a third elected representative in the space of a week with the resignation of a Dublin councillor from the party.
Councillor Cian O'Callaghan said that he was quitting the party because it had broken election promises and made choices that have benefited the rich and powerful at a huge cost to everyone else.
"I disagree profoundly with the Labour Party approach in government in a long list of areas," he said.
Mr O'Callaghan has worked as a parliamentary assistant to former Labour Dublin West TD Patrick Nulty, who also resigned as a member of the party earlier this year. He was a member of the Labour Party since 1999 and a was elected for the first time as a councillor for the Howth Malahide Ward of Fingal County Council in 2009. He is the third elected member to quit Labour this week.
Labour Meath councillor Jenny McHugh quit the party this week to join Fianna Fáil, while Leinster MEP Nessa Childers also announced she was resigning her membership and would be running as an Independent in next year's European elections.
Sleán Day 2013!
An upcoming event in the West of Ireland.Date and location are being finalised. Via the turf-cutting community.
“Sleán Day 2013! Hello to all our supporters near and far. We are currently organising a family fun day out in one of our bogs in the very near future! It will be a day of traditional turf cutting with Sleáns, so we need as many people as possible! The kiddies will be entertained while us adults take part in the turf cutting. Bouncy castles, donkey and cart rides, mega barbecue, trad music and much much more! All welcome no matter where you are! All ideas for this day greatly welcome and the more, the merrier! Just post your ideas or what you would like to contribute in our comments section! Lets make this a yearly fest!!”
O’ Donnellan & Joyce Auctioneers face further protests
Tom Darcy posted this on Facebook.
“Ignorance is no defence when it comes selling a repossessed family home, today in the Harbour Hotel in Galway, O’ Donnellan & Joyce Auctioneers tried to Auction the victims of this unjust and unconscionable criminality perpetrated on innocent Irish families, while dozens of so called human beings queued in wait to bid and buy some families Home, not just bricks and mortar, but a place where children were born and mothers and fathers smiled and loved, now those children memories are filled with fear and hate and mums tears and engraved images of sheriffs kicking doors, what does it say about us as a society when vultures wait to pick the living carcass of a victim of crime. Our group stopped some family’s homes being sold today. The Vultures circled and returned, shame on all who seek to benefit on others misery, shame on all who sit and do nothing, being promised by Gerry Kelly of LMFM radio an interview on Monday the 29th of July, let’s wait and see. Please post shows once again what a small group of people can do. Please Post”
Auctioneers, who act in this manner face protests.Well done to the individuals and groups, who are standing for what is right and oppose injustice.
Planned Parenthood Was Behind Push for Ireland Bill Legalizing Abortions
by Pat Buckley | Dublin, Ireland | | 7/25/13 1:58 PM
The Irish Government has passed all stages of the so called “Protection of Life in Pregnancy Bill 2013” which will now be sent to the President Michael D Higgins for signature.
The passing of this pro-abortion legislation is to be deplored and we put the Irish Government on notice that the pro-life people of Ireland will work without ceasing to have this anti-life legislation overturned as soon as possible no matter what it takes, commencing with an immediate legal challenge to its constitutionality.
The Parliamentary debates of both the lower and upper houses of the Oireachtas (Irish Parliament) were long and arduous and a small number of heroic deputies on all sides of the two chambers were seen to stand head and shoulders over their party colleagues, in some cases even defying the party whip and voting in accordance with their consciences, despite the consequences.
The passing of the legislation however raises a number of questions, which will have to be carefully pondered by the pro-life community in the continuing war against the unborn.
* WHY is it that the current Irish government will only listen to the pro-abortion agenda
* WHY is the Irish print and broadcasting media so biased against unborn life and persist in championing abortion and pushing it at every opportunity
* WHY does the government ignore and dismiss the pro-life voice and paint it as extremist
*WHY does the Government ignore the vast numbers of Irish men and women who voted with their feet and attended the various pro-life vigils and rallies ranging from 10,000 in December and rising to 25,000 in January, 40,000 in June and finally around 60,000 in July
*WHY does the Government believe they can ignore the majority without facing future consequences.
There are also some questions about how Ireland came to be in this position in the first place. The pro-life community knows for example that it was brought about as a result of sustained pressure from both national and international pro-abortion organisations such as the Irish Family Planning Association which is a branch of International Planned Parenthood (IPPF), the largest abortion provider in the world.
How for example did three women who did not know one another (one being a non-national) get together to take a case against the Irish Government to the European Court Of Human Rights (ECtHR) in order to force this change in Ireland’s laws
Who financed them in taking this case against the Irish Government the ECtHR
How were the grounds for taking the case prepared and by whom.
How was the European Convention on Human Rights subverted in reaching the decision in the A,B and C case and real justice denied in the ECtHR
What other international pro-abortion organizations were behind the outright attack on Ireland’s pro-life laws.
LifeNews Note: Pat Buckley a lobbyist for the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Betrayed On Property Tax
The headline from today’s Irish Daily Mail. The government have been quick to spin this and deny it. Who believes them??
Protest at Property Auction in Galway!
THURSDAY, 25 JULY 2013 17:40
City property auction resumes following protest
Galway Bay fm newsroom - A property auction has now resumed in the city after it had to be temporarily abandoned due interruptions from protestors.
Up to 20 protestors entered the auction room and disrupted proceedings shortly after the event got underway at 3 this afternoon.
One property was sold before proceedings were temporarily suspended for half an hour, leaving 18 properties on the list.
It follows a similar protest in Dublin earlier this month where Allsop Space was forced to cancel its event.
The group held the demonstration to highlight concerns over the sale of some houses which they claim were repossessed.
Auctioneer Colm O'Donnellan assured the protestors that 90 per cent of the properties were private sales, not bank sales
Shortly after this exchange further discussion then took place between the protestors and the auctioneers and it was agreed to remove two receiver sales from the list.
Gardaí remain at the scene of the auction in the Harbour Hotel in the city.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Infant Homicides Through Contraceptives
Recommended booklet.
Will Champion of Human Rights Michael D. sign Irish abortion bill?
For years Michael D. Higgins President of Ireland has been regarded as a champion of human rights. Will he sign into law a bill that will kill human beings in the womb? Will he sign the death sentence and like Enda Kenny have the blood of the innocent on his hands?
Monday, July 22, 2013
Protect Ireland From The Scourge Of Abortion!
The image above is from the Facebook page of Precious Life. There is no death worse than abortion and it is a scourge, a great evil. There is a holy anger across the country regarding this ultimate treachery of the Kenny government. People across the country will continue to fast and to pray. Prayer and action continues. Ireland’s unborn babies are under attack.
Again we ask you to pray the rosary daily. We need a revolution in prayer, a spiritual revolution. Dark forces working in the lodge and in the open, have for centuries, been attacking Christian civilisation. Bureaucrats in the EU, Dublin 4 liberals and the vile media continue to agitate for abortion.
With praying the rosary, you are encouraged to join various pro-life demonstrations or hold one of your own to show your opposition to this ideological attack on our unborn child and our Nation. The abortion industry and these wretched abortionists profit from the exploitation and death of babies. From time to time, a mother dies because of an abortion. An abortion always kills a baby.
At confirmation we become Soldiers of Christ and must defend him and the unborn child in the public sphere.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Enda Kenny and Anglo Irish Bank!
Fianna Fail seeking an urgent response is quite laughable. There is an increasing feeling we are in the final days of the Fine Gael/Lab government. FF/FG/LAB are all mortally wounded. In reality, they are dead. The Irish people deserve much better than these traitors.
Michelle Mulherin, an honest Irish politician!
Michelle Mulherin is an honest politician. She wanted to keep her job so voted for abortion.
However, in 2012, she stated
“I am against abortion in any form myself”
“Abortion as murder, therefore sin, which is the religious argument, is no more sinful, from a scriptural point of view, than all other sins we don’t legislate against, like greed, hate and fornication. The latter, being fornication, I would say, is probably the single most likely cause of unwanted pregnancies in this country.”
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Butchering of Unborn Babies in Ireland!
Any abortion legislation or law will be challenged in the courts but we have a greater weapon than the courts. Let us not forget the preamble of the Irish Constitution.
“In the name of the Most Holy Trinity, from Whom is all authority and to Whom, as our final end, all actions both of men and States must be referred.
We, the people of Eire,
Humbly acknowledging all our obligations to our Divine Lord, Jesus Christ, Who sustained our fathers through centuries of trial.”
Thought and Action has no intention of bowing out or giving up the fight. You are encouraged to join existing rosary crusades or start a rosary campaign.
At this moment in time, we all think of the late Fr Denis Fahey and all who devoted their lives to Christ and his Social Kingship.
A short distance from the Masonic lodge, the so called Irish government voted to allow direct and intentional killing of unborn children in Ireland. Their treachery will be remembered. 12th July 2013 will always be remembered.
The politicians have turned away from God, away from the Social Kingship of Christ. Almighty God is not mocked nor will we be silent whilst babies are butchered in the womb.
In these days, let us pray our rosary, continue to organise, mobilise and now is the hour for action.
“Thou Art Not Conquered Yet, Dear Land”
Bank customers urged to complain to Gardai if harassed over mortgage arrears
Regarding the acts and other points of information contact the Common Law Society or Debt Options.
BANK customers who feel they have been harassed by their banks over their mortgage arrears have been urged to use a little-known power to make complaints to the Gardai.
It came after leading psychiatrist Ivor Browne said he had written to banks on behalf of financially stressed patients telling them he will hold them responsible in the event of a patient's suicide
In the Seanad, Labour Senator Lorraine Higgins said that bank customers had a right to complain about unfair pressure from banks under the 1997 Non-Fatal Offenses Against the Person Act.
“They do not have a right to destroy people’s lives and that of their families by exerting pressure on a daily basis,” she said.
Under the act, it is an offence for a bank representative to demand the repayment of a debt so frequently that they would cause “alarm, distress or humiliation” for the householder or their family. The penalty on conviction is a fine of €1,905. However, there has been only one conviction under this section of the act between 2003 and 2009.
Speaking afterwards to the Irish Independent, Ms Higgins said it provided an extra layer of protection for bank customers - on top of the restrictions on phone calls and visits in the code of conduct for banks.
“Anybody can walk to their garda station and make a complaint that they are being harassed by their bank. It’s a decision that will be made by the Gardai based on the number of phone calls and visits,” she said.
However, Ms Higgins said there had been a low level of prosecutions under this section of the act so far.
“We are very shy at enforcing the law in Ireland,” she said.
The Master of the High Court has previously warned that the banks are driving some borrowers who can not pay their debts to suicide. Ed Honohan, brother of Central Bank governor Patrick Honohan, said he had dealt with several debt cases where the borrowers had subsequently taken their own lives.
Action - A Manual for the Reconstruction of Christendom
This book has been recommended various times, and a number of new people, have expressed an interest in purchasing a copy of it. You can order it via this link.
No to Irish Soldiers in Syria!
Thought and Action strongly opposes the sending of Irish troops, to the sovereign Nation of Syria.
Permanent TSB to submit restructuring plan by July 31
An article on a bank, who future looks bleak!
Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:59am EDT
By Laura Noonan and Conor Humphries
(Reuters) - Irish state-owned mortgage lender Permanent TSB will submit a revised restructuring plan to the Irish authorities by July 31 as the government bids to complete a banking overhaul, sources close to the matter said.
Permanent TSB, then known as Irish Life & Permanent, received 4 billion euros ($5.25 billion) of state aid in 2011 and submitted a business plan to the European Commission in June 2012.
The sale of its life insurance unit, for 1.3 billion euros, was completed on Tuesday.
A question mark hangs over the bank's future because, unlike rescued Bank of Ireland and Allied Irish Banks , Permanent TSB was not granted the status of a "pillar bank" by the Irish government.
Its original business plan argued that a viable entity could be carved out of the bank despite the drag of 21.8 billion euros of loss-making tracker mortgages, which follow the ECB rate and are expensive to fund.
The tracker loans, issued during the Irish housing boom, make up two thirds of Permanent TSB's total loan book.
Two sources told Reuters the bank, which employs 1,600 people, had been asked to submit fresh projections to Ireland's Department of Finance by July 31.
The updated plan lays out options for separating the bank's good and bad assets, and shows how its loans would perform if the economy worsened, one of the sources said. The bank declined to comment.
"Given the passage of time and the change in market circumstances over the past 12 months updated financial forecasts have been requested by DG COMP (Brussels' state aid division) and will be supplied shortly," a spokesman for the Department of Finance told Reuters. "This is not unusual."
The spokesman added that the plan would be "broadly the same as that proposed in June 2012 and envisages the bank playing an important role in the future of Irish retail banking." $1 = 0.7612 euros)
Monday, July 15, 2013
Pro Abortion Fine Gael to Attempt to Collect Money outside Churches on Sunday!
Need a Lift to the “The Real Gathering”?
Our final reminder about this upcoming event in Co. Roscommon.
Shareholders Convention/meeting
Date: Sat. 20th. July
Times: 9am to 3pm
Venue: The Abbey Hotel, Roscommon
Book online:
Cost: Free
Demand has been high for it so book your place today and check out
Please click this link to access a list of people who have kindly agreed to car pool or perhaps organise a bus if sufficient interest is expressed
Rural Irish Community under Siege still!
Barroughter & Clonmoylan Bogs Action Group are highlighting the continued harassment of rural people on County Galway. This harassment is to be condemned and highlighted. Locals going to Church on Sunday faced harassment and intimidation. This must not be allowed to continue. In the face of this intimidation and harassment, stay calm and maintain your integrity.
How tragic to the see the “Guardians of the Peace” become the political police of the EU.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Irish Politicians, Who Voted For Direct and Intentional Killing of the Unborn Child!
Page Nine of today’s ‘Irish Independent’ newspaper gives a breakdown by constituency on how politicians voted in relation to the abortion bill that allows for the direct and intentional killing of unborn children.
You are encouraged to contact those politicians TODAY. Visit their constituency office, phone them, send them an email, send them a tweet, write them a letter. Encourage a friend or two to do the same. Contact your town, city and county councillor’s also.
Friday, July 12, 2013
"Why did you abuse your power by enacting a law that was intended to kill innocent persons?"
This question has not been answered by the so called Irish Government.
Great news for turf cutters and turf cutting contractors all over Ireland
Click on the link for the audio.
TCCA welcomes court decision to strike out charges
Friday, July 12th, 2013 at 8:00 am
The Turfcutters and Contractors Association says the striking out of charges against three turf contractors in court yesterday is a step forward.
Chair of the TCCA Michael Fitzmaurice says the decision by Judge Seamus Hughes at Mullingar District Court moves them closer to completely vindicating their rights on the issue.
Three brothers, Thomas, Brian and Edward McGahern of Cloncovid, Kilcogy, Cavan appeared at Mullingar District Court yesterday in relation to charges that they had cut turf at Moneybeg, Finea on May 31st 2012.
Gardaí applied to have the matter heard summarily before the District Court but Judge Seamus Hughes refused saying he was not in a position to make a decision as to jurisdiction.
He said there was insufficient information before the court as to seriousness or otherwise of the charges noting the absence of NPWS representatives in court.
In striking out the charges, Shannonside News understands that Judge Hughes queried the legality of the prosecution of turf cutters.
The decision follows a separate hearing earlier this week in which Judge Hughes called on the Minister Jimmy Deenihan to allow him to distribute illegally cut turf to the “needy of Longford” instead of returning it to the bog as prescribed by the Department.
Speaking to Shannonside News, after Judge Hughes’ decision in Mullingar District Court, Chair of the TCCA Michael Fitzmaurice welcomed the decision:
Irish State Corruption
This leaflet featured on the blog before but never any harm to share it again. It explains what has been happening with regard private property and the turf-cutters.
Barroughter & Clonmoylan Bogs Action Group
What Next For Ireland?
Earlier today, looking at a secretary of a Fine Gael TD straight in the face, I told her the Irish people deserve better than Fine Gael. She had no answer for me when a series of questions were put to her. Her face showed the guilt and the realisation that particular political party has sold the Irish out. Earlier today (12th July!!!) Fine Gael voted to directly and intentionally kill the unborn child in the womb by abortion. With the bill to go to the Seanad and the Supreme Court, we all continue to pray and urge the bill to be killed and not the child. A rant about Fine Gael is not necessary. Enda Kenny, James Reilly and Alan Shatter have done a great job in shattering their own political party. Like Fianna Fail and Labour, Fine Gael is mortally wounded.
Men like Peter Matthews, who has written about fractional reserve banking and stated there is no justification for austerity, has been expelled from the Fine Gael parliamentary party. Others have also been expelled for opposing the abortion bill. Enda Kenny like Michael Noonan, has shown himself to be a thug and a bully. One only has to remember what Michael Noonan did to the late Bridget McCole.
The Fine Gael solution to austerity seems to be abortion.
The reality is the Irish deserve better than Fine Gael. Whilst Fine Gael fights over “lapgate”, an event where one politician drunkenly, it seems placed a female colleague on his lap in the parliament during a live “debate” (farce) on abortion. They don’t give two hoots about the unborn or our Nation.
There are those, who do and will fight for the lives of the unborn child, their mothers, their fathers.
In a wider context Fine Gael are absolute traitors and Kenny, Shatter and Reilly should take a bow for destroying their party and for awakening thousands of Irish people, who oppose abortion and what Fine Gael and Labour is doing to Ireland and her people.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
High Court challenge against abortion bill in Ireland
1/07/2013 - 13:37:20
The Independent TD Mattie McGrath is to launch a High Court challenge against the constitutionality of the Government's Abortion Bill.
He said that he has lodged the injunction on the grounds that the Oireachtas has no right to vote on a Bill that contains provisions that have been put to the Irish people before in referenda and which they rejected.
Meanwhile, the Public Expenditure Minister has rejected the opposition's claims that last night's abortion bill debate was a shambles.
The Dail sat until 5am to deal with proposed amendments to the abortion bill - but the Fianna Fáil leader Micheál Martin said the government had not consulted opposition parties before arranging the late sitting.
The Dáil will now continue its discussions on the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill at 4.30 this afternoon.
Lap Dancing in Irish Parliament during ‘debate’ on Abortion
There is no doubt Fine Gael are finished as a political party. Self serving politicians, who have put pensions before principle. During the ‘debate’ on abortion, one male TD (Member of Parliament’ put a female colleague onto his lap.
Alan Shatter, a key player in the attempt to destroy Ireland
Alan Shatter, who has no loyalty to Ireland or her people has been a key player in the moral and social destruction of Ireland.
The Irish people will never back peddle to the abortion industry but will confront you, head on!
Important Quotation for Irish Politicians!
Regarding abortion. Quotation from
“67. Those who hold the reins of government should not forget that it is the duty of public authority by appropriate laws and sanctions to defend the lives of the innocent, and this all the more so since those whose lives are endangered and assailed cannot defend themselves. Among whom we must mention in the first place infants hidden in the mother's womb. And if the public magistrates not only do not defend them, but by their laws and ordinances betray them to death at the hands of doctors or of others, let them remember that God is the Judge and Avenger of innocent blood which cried from earth to Heaven.[53]”
Photographs from All-Night Candle-Light Prayer Vigil
Firstly, a word of thanks to the organisers and to all, who took part in the All-Night Candle Light Vigil that took place at Leinster House on Tuesday night. Here are some photographs.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Mobilise at Dáil Éireann Now!
Thought and Action was represented at the All-Night Prayer Vigil at Leinster House earlier today and last evening. Supporters are encouraged to continue to mobilise at Leinster House and join the prayer and action as politicians vote on the abortion bill.
Monday, July 8, 2013
All-Night Prayer Vigil for protection of Ireland’s Unborn Babies at Leinster House!
You are certainly encouraged to attend this All Night Candle Light Prayer Vigil outside of Leinster House tomorrow evening.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Rural Community Under Siege!
A South-East Galway community is under siege this weekend as there is a heavy Garda/Police presence at Clonmoylan and Barroughter bogs. Local people have mobilised and our advice is contact the turf-cutting groups for updates. Those, who can should make their way and show solidarity with the local community.
Not a banker or corrupt politician in the country arrested and yet you have many Garda present seeking to intimidate a local community at the behest of the EU. When a pensioner is attacked in their home, one would be ages waiting for a squad car, yet we see Deenihan and Shatter seeking to go down heavy on rural Galway people.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Allsop Auction…what a day!..what a victory….
Excellent report from Awaken Longford
Well, what can I say? was one of the good days, as everyone will know by now, the scheduled Allsop Space Auction of distressed, repossessed property at the Shelbourne Hotel was cancelled due to the protest organised by Friends of Banking Ireland, FBI, (not friends of Bankers!),
A massive victory for not only FBI but for all the groups who came along and all the individual Irish people who are not aligned to any group who came and supported the common goal.
Allsop Space is an English Company who had no involvement with Ireland until after the Banking Crisis and resulting attack on struggling homeowners and small business people, they are here for one purpose and one purpose only, to cash in on the misery and misfortune of Irish people who have been let down by Banks and betrayed by politicians, I have no axe to grind with any of the Allsop employee’s personally but in their alleged “professional” capacity they are not welcome in Ireland, we have a deep-rooted history of dealing with english oppressors and our track record speaks for itself, we will not tolerate their presence now or ever, today is a perfect example of our resolve, a resolve which will only grow as the financial crisis grows!
The Shelbourne Hotel would be well advised to revisit their policy with regard to allowing such events to take place, I was more than sickened to stand in the very room where our constitution was drafted (regardless of which constitution one agree’s with) and see the bones of victimised Irish property owners picked over by these foreign vultures. We will not forget!
If I have one small wish that emanates from today, it is that all the groups engaged with fighting the corrupt, insolvent bankers would come together for a real show of strength, to this end I am extending an open invitation to representatives of all groups regardless of who you are to come and attend a meeting which is held by Friends of Banking Ireland at Foleys Pub in Merrion Row Dublin each and every Saturday at 3pm, please nominate one or two representatives from each groups only as the venue is not very big, the focus of this meeting on saturday next is to concentrate the efforts of all groups in relation a common goal of meeting the banks and their agents (receivers & auctioneer’s) head on, building on the momentum generated by the Anglo Tapes and today’s victory at the Shelbourne Hotel against Allsops.
We must continue to step up the pressure on all levels and from all angles against the banks and their agents because they will not back off, they will keep coming and coming until they have everything!
Now some photo’s from today’s protest:
Kenny bows down before his masters
It’s necessary to build an alternative to Tweedle Fail and Tweedle Gael.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Jewel in the Deenihan Crown!
(Picket outside office of Jimmy Deenihan in Listowel)
This is the bog that Minister Jimmy Deenihan continues to try and spin as being the ‘Jewel in the Crown’ of the relocation bogs. The reality is people don’t wish to relocate, they wish to continue cutting their turf on private land. Later this month two men will appear in court in Listowel.
Turf has been cut in the ‘model bog’. The owners of the bog have maintained their right to cut turf. Jimmy Deenihan, Paul Connaughton Jr, and Ciaran Cannon are running back to Europe with their tails between their legs.
The people of South-East Galway have shown they won’t be bullied at the behest of the EU. Same for the folk in Kerry and across the country as demonstrated by the various turf-cutting banners on display yesterday in Galway.
What was very noticeable yesterday was the absence of politicians from the establishment parties, the old gang politics, who have sold the Irish out. It needs to be replaced by a community politics, a decentralised politics of looking beyond left versus right, looking at what is right, and opposing what is wrong. The people in their community uphold what is best for their community. A real sense of social justice and freedom. A community rooted in the family and traditional values and ways.
See Awaken Longford for more details regarding a demonstration outside the former Anglo Irish Bank
Reminder about the All-Ireland Rally for Life
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Hundreds Gather To Support Galway Turf-Cutters!
A very short video slideshow of the solidarity gathering held earlier in Galway. The men are back in court on 17th December and each of the men faces a separate trial with a jury. On 23rd July, two men will appear in court in Listowel. Please support these two men.
The message from Thought and Action is simple. Continue to cut your turf and maintain the Tradition. Well done to the organisers of the solidarity gathering and as always a special thank you to all who travelled long distances to support the four men. There was fantastic support from local people on the streets of Galway city.