Received via email. Many people have become shareholders and will find the letters below informative and necessary. Do share.
“Some People have had letters from their employers about the fact that they are Shareholders of“Acorn to Oak Communication Plc.”. No one to date, to our knowledge has had a letter from the Revenue Commissioners about this matter.
The Revenue Commissioners mantra seems to be one of trying to intimidate employers into forcing employees into agreeing to accept deductions for this illegal and unlawful tax. We have written a template letter for you to read, study, download and re-write (if you wish), and issue to your employer and others as you see fit and appropriate.
This letter is direct and unambiguous, and quotes the relevant LAW in relation to the matters in hand. We would also suggest that you look up and read the Acts that are quoted, and at least familiarise yourself with what it says. The LAW is clear, it is unambiguous and it is on your side.
We hope you enjoy the read, and we hope that you are beginning to get a semblance and an idea of the power and authority that you have and can exercise over your own life, and for the betterment of all the People within your family, friends and community.
Thanks for reading this.
The best for now. We will see you ALL soon at “The Real Gathering” in Roscommon on Sat. 20th. July 2013. More Info/Booking Details Here: "
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