Vienna, VA, U.S.A. - June 29, 2013
Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Archbishop Lefebvre’s heroic decision in 1988 to consecrate truly Catholic bishops for the defense of the Catholic Faith and for the preservation of valid Sacraments from the devastation of the Church wrought by the disastrous Second Vatican Council, a group of priests express their alarm at the same devastation now being wrought upon the Archbishop’s Society of St. Pius X, and they resolve together to do what they can to protect the Church and Society against this newly developed peril.
For just as the churchmen of Rome have used the last 50 years to attempt to reconcile the Church with the world, and in particular by the religious liberty and ecumenism of Vatican II, so the Society’s Superior General over the last 15 years has done everything he could to promote the wicked dream of reconciling Catholic Tradition with Conciliar Rome. For example, the Declaration of June 27, 2013 once more leaves the door open to reopening negotiations with Conciliar Rome. (cf. No. 11)
The result of this attempt to reconcile things irreconcilable within the Society of St Pius X has been the disabling of many good priests, the progressive undoing of the Archbishop’s work and the endangering of the eternal salvation of souls without number. This is because the Society of St Pius X was for many years an anchor in the true Faith for the entire Church, and now that anchor has snapped. And so just as the authorities of Vatican II lost the confidence of many faithful Catholics by their ambiguities, duplicities, and lies, so now the liberal authorities of the Society of St Pius X are losing all trust of many Traditional Catholics by their betrayal of Tradition.
Now what can a small and scattered group of priests do to save the situation? God will save His Church by converting the Pope when His Mother obtains at last the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart. Nevertheless, truth is not a question of numbers and so we set for ourselves the Archbishop’s program:
“The Holy Virgin will have the victory. She will triumph over the great apostasy, the fruit of Liberalism. One more reason not to twiddle our thumbs! We have to fight more than ever for the social Reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ. In this battle, we are not alone; we have with us all the popes up through Pius XII inclusively. All of them combatted Liberalism in order to deliver the Church from it. God did not grant that they succeed, but this is not reason to lay down our weapons! We have to hold on. We have to build, while the others are demolishing. The crumbled citadels have to be rebuilt, the bastions of the Faith to be reconstructed: firstly the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass of all times, which forms saints; then our chapels, which are our true parishes; our monasteries; our large families, our enterprises faithful to the social doctrine of the Church; our politicians determined to make the politics of Jesus Christ – this a whole tissue of Christian social life, Christian customs, Christian reflexes, which we have to restore, on the scale that God wants, at the time God wills. All that I know, the Faith teaches us, it is that Our Lord Jesus Christ must reign here below, now, and not only at the end of the world, as the Liberals would have it!
While they are destroying, we have the contentment of rebuilding. A still greater happiness: generations of young priests are participating with zeal in this task of reconstruction of the Church for the salvation of souls.” (They Have Uncrowned Him; chapter XXXIV)
H.E. Bp. Richard Williamson SSPX
Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer SSPX
Fr. Tomas de Aquino O.S.B.
Fr. Jahir FBMV
Fr. Jean-Michel Faure SSPX
Fr. Ronald Ringrose
Fr. Juan Carlos Ortiz SSPX
Fr. Hugo Ruiz SSPX
Fr. Ernesto Cardozo SSPX
Fr. Joaquim FBMV
Fr. Richard Voigt SSPX
Fr. David Hewko SSPX
Fr. François Chazal SSPX
Fr. Valan Rajakumar SSPX
Fr. Patrick Girouard SSPX
Fr. René Trincado SSPX
Fr. Olivier Rioult SSPX
Fr. Edgardo Suelo SSPX
Br. Placide OSB
Br. André OSB
Sunday, June 30, 2013
25th Anniversary of SSPX Episcopal Consecrations
Notice To Revenue
From “Acorn to Oak Communications Plc.”. Do download the pdf and share with your friends.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
One works the land that has fed generations,the other one works the system that has cost generations
This is an image that has been posted on the Ardraigue, Barroughter, & Clonmoylan Bogs Action Group Facebook page.
Firstly, a bit of good news and then a comment on the image. The good news is that turf was cut in Galway and Roscommon today. Since our blog and network began, we have constantly spoken and written against the menace of bankerdom. They are trying to make criminals out of small plot holders in rural Ireland yet the degeneracy of modern banking has brought about wars, famines, pollution, genocide, grinding poverty, social manipulation, consumerism, youth suicide, alcoholism and disintegrating families.
In Ireland not a single corrupt banker or politician has been jailed. Bankers, who enslave entire nations and people in debt. International Finance is one of the greatest evils of the modern world.
It’s well time to send squad cars to arrest bankers and politicians and not to be sent out in large numbers to rural Irish communities, who have cut turf for generations, who have lived off the land for generations, who have protected the environment, and who are law abiding people.
Support the Four Accused Irishmen!
With the Tradition of cutting turf being maintained this weekend in Galway and Roscommon, you are invited to Galway next Tuesday, to support the four men appearing in court.
“Islamic resistance” in Syria
Money Manipulation and Social Order
The following quotation is taken from Chapter II of Money Manipulation and Social Order. The book, written by Fr Denis Fahey C.S.S.p. was first printed in 1944. The title of Chapter II is Political, Economic And Financial Principles Of St. Thomas Aquinas. For a fuller treatment of the principles of St. Thomas Aquinas concerning money, the reader is recommended to read The Mystical Body of Christ and the Reorganization of Society, Chapter II.
“Those who are skilled in the manipulation of money must be servants of the State, not the dictators of governmental policy; they must aim at aiding and strengthening family-life, not at disrupting it for the sake of the figures in their ledgers. It is completely against order if the production and the distribution of the goods needed by families to the exigencies of money-making instead of the other way round. If, by a perversion of the right order, money or exchange-medium becomes the master, production and distribution will decay, the potentialities of the State’s resources will not be realized, and family-life will suffer.
If the manipulators of money get control of the Government of the State, then the Government will not be able to compel the bankers and the money-changers to practise the virtue of social justice, namely, that justice which has for object the Common Good, and the welfare of the whole nation will suffer grievously. Usury and alteration of the price-level will then be permitted to go unchecked, and the real Sovereignty in the State will inevitably pass into the hands of the manipulators of money. The next stage will be a move to bring national Sovereignty under the domination of some international organisation subject to finance. That will make permanent and world-wide the present-day anti- Christian and anti-natural perversions of order involved in the subordination of human persons to the production of material goods and in the subordination of the production and distribution of material goods to finance.
For St. Thomas, it is the duty of the State to see that money or exchange-medium is a stable measure of value.”
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Fianna Fáil Hypocrites Asked To Leave Special Needs Education Protest
Micheál Martin and other members of Fianna Fáil were asked to leave a demonstration in opposition to cuts to special needs education outside of Leinster House in Dublin yesterday. Members of Ógra Fianna Fáil were also present. They left the protest. The Irish people haven’t forgotten the treachery of Fianna Fáil.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Monday, June 24, 2013
Call to Action- Government Spin doesn’t Reflect the Real Reduction in Special Education Allocations
It’s not necessary to start a rant about Fine Gael and Labour. You are encouraged to support these demonstrations.
Call to Action
The Special Needs Parents Association is calling all parents to attend demonstrations next Wednesday 26th June
No Supports, No Education, No Future
6pm outside Leinster House, Kildare Street
5pm outside City Hall, Limerick
6pm outside Department of Education & Skills, Athlone
5pm St. Patrick’s Bridge, Cork City
6pm The Clock Tower, Boyle, Roscommon
6pm Market Square, Letterkenny, Donegal
10:30 outside Clare FM, Francis St. Ennis, Clare
6pm Market Yard, Carrick on Shannon, Leitrim
6pm Enda Kenny’s Constituency Office, Tucker St. Castlebar
Yet again it is time to Fight Back!
The Spin
“Within the education budget, my focus has been on protecting those who are most vulnerable. There will be no reductions in the overall number of Special Needs Assistants (SNA) or Resource Teachers in this budget.” Minister Ruairi Quinn Budget Statement December 2012.
The Reality
Since 2010, there has been a decrease of 15% in the specialist teaching hours allocated to all children with more moderate to severe levels of special needs, with a further 10% cut to those essential teaching hours expected from September. “This is a direct attack on the educational provisions that are essential for children struggling through mainstream, in keeping with the Department of Education and NCSE’s policy of promoting Inclusion in education. With an increase of over 8,000 pupils with special needs requiring resource hours since 2011, you can’t have it both ways. Either provide children with the essential supports in mainstream to fulfill their potential or admit that the policy of Inclusion in our education system is based on rhetoric and is aspirational but not a priority for Government” stated Lorraine Dempsey, Chairperson of the Special Needs Parents Association.
Putting this cut into context for a child with autism, in 2010 they would have received 5 hours of resource teaching every week which will be reduced to 3 hours 45 minutes this September. This also includes time getting to and from the classroom, so the actual teaching time is much less than prescribed by the NCSE.
For the past few years, we have had to listen to the Minister for Education telling parents how he has done everything to ring fence the budget for special needs. The reality is that we have an ever increasing population of children in mainstream schools who need a higher level of educational support particularly at secondary level and we have not prepared for the future and present needs of these children.
Children are being excluded for school by only being allowed to attend for only 1-3 hours per day. Children are being suspended and expelled because some schools can no longer meet their needs in mainstream, but there is no where else for them to go as waiting lists for special schools grow longer each year. Children are being discriminated against because they may have siblings with disabilities that all qualify for July Provision that can only take place in the home. If they were attending school based July Provision, they would have two SNAs per class to assist the teacher. At home, they get no extra support and reduced hours overall under the new administration of the scheme this year.
Ms. Dempsey added “What we are creating is a bigger problem down the line for future governments and budgets when we pursue such shortsighted cuts. If you over-fill a passenger ferry, you risk sinking the whole ship. It’s up to us parents to take a stand on this issue, our futures depend on it”
For further comment email or phone 0877741917
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Obama called a War Criminal
T&A certainly disagrees with Clare Daly in relation to abortion but she is correct to call Obama a War Criminal in relation to the attack on the sovereign Nation of Syria and the arming of the opposition.
President of international war crimes tribunal may have worked to shield Israelis from prosecution
Meet Your Zionist Money Masters
Friday, June 21, 2013
Contrast between Pristine Private Property Bogs and Bogs in hands of Irish State!
It’s the not the small bog owners, who should be appearing in the courts. Photograph via the
Ardraigue, Barroughter, & Clonmoylan Bogs Action Group
An action should be brought against Bord na Móna
First Anniversary of Siege of Clonymoylan
This weekend marks the 1st anniversary of the Siege of Clonmoylan
“The First Anniversary of the SIEGE OF CLONMOYLAN will be commemorated at a very special dance in Treacy's Killimor on Saturday June 22nd. During the SIEGE OF CLONMOYLAN Gardaí and NPWS tried unsuccessfully to steal turf cutting machinery from the local peaceful community. The State forces were stopped and were forced to return the stolen machinery to the legal owner. Everybody is invited to our celebration in Killimor.”
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Letters from Employers regarding Property Tax
Received via email. Many people have become shareholders and will find the letters below informative and necessary. Do share.
“Some People have had letters from their employers about the fact that they are Shareholders of“Acorn to Oak Communication Plc.”. No one to date, to our knowledge has had a letter from the Revenue Commissioners about this matter.
The Revenue Commissioners mantra seems to be one of trying to intimidate employers into forcing employees into agreeing to accept deductions for this illegal and unlawful tax. We have written a template letter for you to read, study, download and re-write (if you wish), and issue to your employer and others as you see fit and appropriate.
This letter is direct and unambiguous, and quotes the relevant LAW in relation to the matters in hand. We would also suggest that you look up and read the Acts that are quoted, and at least familiarise yourself with what it says. The LAW is clear, it is unambiguous and it is on your side.
We hope you enjoy the read, and we hope that you are beginning to get a semblance and an idea of the power and authority that you have and can exercise over your own life, and for the betterment of all the People within your family, friends and community.
Thanks for reading this.
The best for now. We will see you ALL soon at “The Real Gathering” in Roscommon on Sat. 20th. July 2013. More Info/Booking Details Here: "
Great news from Ardraigue bog as Siege of Clonmoylan is remembered
The great news is that the turf has been cut and RTE has the incorrect number of “around 50 people”. Around 200 people is more accurate and a necessary mobilisation given a previous attempt by the State to seize property.
Protest over turf cutting in Co Galway ends
Updated: 11:20, Thursday, 20 June 2013
A protest near a bog designated as a Special Area of Conservation in Co Galway has ended without incident.
Around 50 people gathered at a roadway leading to the bog amid concerns that machinery used to cut turf may be seized.
Ardgraigue bog near Killimor is one of 53 bogs where a ban on turf cutting is in place.
Yesterday, turf was cut on banks belonging to more than 50 local people.
The process began at 5am and was completed by early afternoon and four machines were used.
It is the first time turf has been cut on the bog this year.
Gardaí said they were maintaining a presence in the area and monitoring the situation.
There were no incidents at the scene and no arrests were made.
Under the terms of the European Habitats Directive, a number of raised bogs have been declared as Special Areas of Conservation and a turf-cutting ban on these bogs was introduced in 2011.
Compensation is available for those who abide by the ban.
Thirteen of the bogs in question are located in Co Galway.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Get used to it, Enda Kenny
Hundreds of people turned up to confront Enda Kenny in Ballinlee, Co Longford in relation to the abortion bill. Kenny proposes to sign the death warrant for countless numbers of innocent unborn human life, our future generation.
The people of Ireland will not forget this and will remind you. Our babies are not for slaughter in abortuaries. Your party is signing the death sentence for our future generation. Enda Kenny is an absolute traitor.
Friends of the Irish Environment accept injustice being done to Turf-Cutters
With the first anniversary of the Siege of Clonmoylan approaching, the Barroughter & Clonmoylan Bogs Action Group have a few very interesting and relevant pieces on their Facebook page. If anybody has caused environmental damage, it is Bord na Móna. Friends of the Irish Environment have stated the Bog Conservation Proposal was to tackle industrial cutting and not small scale domestic turf cutters. Next month four men are back in court over allegedly cutting turf on their private and legally owned property.
It is Bord na Móna who should be before the courts and perhaps a case could be taken against them for their damage to the environment. Yet 900 families in South Galway were attacked, and last year an attempt was made to steal turf cutting machinery from the local peaceful community.
There is a clear acknowledgement there has been an injustice and that turf will be cut on the bogs. The Friends of the Irish Environment Director stated to the Connacht Tribune newspaper that 60% of the UK’s gardening peat is being imported from Ireland. This is coming from the industrial operations in the midlands and not from those from the West of Ireland, who are back in court on 23rd July.
Instead of trying to criminalise small plot holders in the West of Ireland, a court action should be taken against Bord na Móna.
A useful link is
“Contact Us
In the meantime you can reach us at [086 2411888 and 083 3920131] We are looking forward to hearing from you. You can also contact us at our e-mail address: [ and ].
If you are not familiar with our group and your first contact with us is online: We would be pleased to hear from you! Please let us know what your needs and questions are, we will be more than happy to help.”
Friday, June 14, 2013
Gardaí appeal for witnesses in connection with sexual assault on special needs woman
Our prayers for this young woman. The culprit should be hanged or flogged in the street.
14/06/2013 - 18:22:30
Gardaí in Dublin are appealing for witnesses in relation to the serious sexual assault of a special needs woman on Wednesday.
A woman, in her mid 20s, was walking along the South Circular Road towards Harrington Street between 4pm and 4.15pm when she was accosted by a dark-skinned male.
Gardaí say that they both walked in the direction of Victoria Street and Lennox Street.
It is believed that they both entered a house somewhere in the general area of the South Circular Road, South Richmond Street and Portobello where the assault took place.
The male was described by the witness as being dark-skinned with black hair and of a medium height.
The injured party is described as 4’ 10" tall with shoulder-length, brown hair. She was wearing a black cardigan, beige top, black knee length leggings and white runners.
Investigating officers are appealing for anyone who may have seen this young woman in the company of this man in the areas mentioned or who have information in relation to this incident to contact Kevin Street Garda Station 01-666 9400, the Garda Confidential Line 1-800-666-111 or any Garda Station.
Gardaí have also requested any person who may have private CCTV cameras in their vehicles (Taxis, Vans, Private Buses) or on their property to make contact with the incident room.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Monday, June 10, 2013
BREAKING NEWS – Mortgage securitisation finally sent for full trial
Staying with an article in relation to mortgages and banks, here is a vitally important piece from DDI.
Posted on May 31, 2013 by Admin D
This morning in the High Court in Dublin, after Miriam Freeman had spoken for 4 days on her motion against Bank of Scotland (Ireland), she has finally been vindicated in her long running case. She has been ably supported by two of the founder members of DDI Ben Gilroy and John Squires, and by Awaken Longford and others (unnamed) who have all collaborated with the Freeman family to defeat all motions of Bank of Scotland (Ireland) in case of P FREEMAN & ANOR V BANK OF SCOTLAND (IRELAND) LTD & ORS.
Ben and John have been helping fight this case in their role with People For Economic Justice since it started 2 years ago, and in Court 16 this morning Mr Justice Gilligan dismissed the motions put by Bank of Scotland, and finally sent the case forward for full trial on the issue of securitisation. The team has been seeking a full trial without success for some time and have been stymied by counter motions by Bank of Scotland. So critical is this case that the Chief Executive Officer of Bank of Scotland had been required to fly from Scotland to be present in Court.
Now for the first time in Ireland the issue of securitisation of mortgages is going to be heard in court. The ramifications of this will affect almost every mortgage in the state, as the vast majority of mortgages have been combined into financial instruments and sold off as securities to other investors. It was this kind of securitisation that inflated the banking system to a state of bankruptcy and caused the financial bubble that sees us now forced into living under austerity.
In a separate case this week another motion supported by People for Economic Justice against an Irish based bank resulted in the bank settling out of court for a seven figure sum. For legal reasons because of the settlement the case cannot be quoted.
Ben spoke after the case saying that he hoped that those detractors who have been spreading misinformation about how he, and other lay litigants who take on the banks, operate in court, either in the media, printed press and in cyberspace, will be honourable and correct the imbalance they have caused to so many people.
There is now around 12 weeks for full discovery and responses before the case moves on and it may affect any current repossession cases. What we must look at now is what will be the financial fallout. We know the banks are bankrupt and we know the finance ministers have legalised bail-ins, we also know the heads of Ireland’s banks have just met at the Central Bank, a bank who’s legal position was described in court today as a grey area. So now is a time that people must be aware and wary of what the government’s next move may be to protect their system
We hope to follow up this story with an interview with Miriam Freeman after her mammoth job done today
Garda Investigation into AIB
There is now an official investigation ongoing regarding Allied Irish Bank and lack of a banking licence.
Twenty-fifth Anniversary Celebration of "Operation Survival"
Friday, June 7, 2013
Legal Notice to Bank/Employer regarding Property Tax
Two vitally important pieces of information. Download, Share, Print Off, Use them.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Educational Material
Via the Common Law Society. Ideally, you should attend one of their regular schools or start a study group among family and friends. Thought and Action has received some enquiries about organising study groups.
“You probably already know that Education is the Key that turns ALL locks.
For those contemplating starting down the road to educate yourself in law,
a very good place to start (big hint) looking for the law pertaining to dealing
with Debt Collectors, Banks, Solicitors, County Councils, Revenue, the Courts,
the Sheriff and in some cases An Garda Siochana, would be to look at and
review the following bits of legislation: The Data Protection Acts; Freedom
of Information Act; The Non-fatal Offences Against The Persons Act; Central
Bank Reform Act and the Rules and Orders of the Courts.
The above Acts & Statutes etc. and more are available on: ; ; ; a; ; and on
Start this process today:
Download the above referenced documents. Print the documents off if you can,
and get the highlighters and pens out. Make or set aside some quite time to
Critically read this material. You may not get a full grasp of it on first reading.
Although after you have read it critically three or four times, you will be streaks
ahead of most high street Solicitors, and that is a good place to be.”
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
National Vigil For Life - June 8th 2013, Merrion Square, Dublin
'Let Them Eat Grass' documentary to expose massive government tyranny against small-scale farmers producing real food.
Click on the url for the article.
Let Them Eat Grass - The Food Freedom Revolution
The Monsanto tipping point has been reached: We shall overcome global food injustice (GMO)
Visit the url for the article about Monsanto and GM Foods.
How to Grow Your Own Food in Small Spaces!
An article from Health Impact News. Visit the url below for the article.