A message from Attack The Tax
Hard Times:
We are living in a time that calls for ordinary People to do extraordinary things.
If enough People do the extraordinary, we all have a chance to make profound
and lasting change in our own lives, and that of our future generations.
The Best of Times:
We are asking ALL Present and Future Shareholders to participate:
1. Go to the Attack The Tax link below.
2. Download the letter.
3. Print Off the Letter.
4. Read the Letter.
5. Get the Letter to EVERYONE on the Island.
6. Via email, Print copy, Facebook, Twitter and any means at your disposal.
The letter spells out some of YOUR many Rights and Privileges as a Shareholder.
The letter was sent to all TD's, all County Councils and to Revenue. Our aim with
your assistance and support is to make sure EVERY MAN and EVERY WOMAN on
the Island know the facts, and know the Law. We will only be able to achieve this
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