An excellent comment.
“I am shocked that there are no bullets flying yet. Seriously. Bankers DESTROY the economy. Utterly – to the point, over twelve THOUSAND companies have folded since Fine Gael took over. Over 180 thousand people have emigrated – that’s famine levels – since Fine Gael and Labor stuck their collective bits into the public orifice.
And yet. Bankers – and the politicians that got us into this mess – still drive around in posh cars. Still get million euro bonuses in some cases, quarter-million yearly incomes or more in others. Still are not prosecuted and jailed. And yet, because we are bailing out these animals – by force, let it not be confused here, you are held over a barrel while your family suffers to bail these corrupt monsters out – families cannot afford to keep their loans up.
We are paying the shortfall. There is no evidence provided to this date that our taxes are NOT paying the shortfall that our loans take up. So why should we take the slack? Why should my family suffer because a wealthy banker wanted their miserable little grub-sucker children to go to the top private schools, while mine cannot even get the education I pay taxes to obtain?!?
Where are the bullets? Where are the angry mobs surrounding banker and politician homes, demanding blood and bone? We are so conditioned that our ancestors are weeping in their graves.
One word for you bast-rds. NO. Or NO. And NO.”
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