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We can not as responsible inhabitants of this island allow the government and banking elite to continue to steal Ireland's resources, impose austerity to pay for the mistakes of greedy bankers and investors, convert private debt to sovereign debt, making decisions that will affect if allowed to impoverish and enslave people of this island for generations to come.
Our silence is our consent, we must let them hear our voices loudly, clearly and peacefully enough is enough.
There are many honourable groups of ordinary men and women on this island, who are standing proud against injustice. They support and assist people facing eviction, legal action, negotiation with lending institutions, abuses of human rights, and the theft or Ireland's resources and many other groups who are involved in many other important aspects of our lives.
We seek to unite on this common cause and call on these groups to work towards a common goal to use this campaign to show the governments and lending institutions that we the people hold the power and we will not be forced by coercion and duress to accept a liability that is not of our making.
Any actions taken in our name can be repealed or made void. We seek as part of our united action to demand a refund of this austere and repugnant tax.
We will challenge the Household Charge and Property Tax on the basis that it violates our Human Rights, Our Constitution and our personal right to not be forced to sign under coercion a declaration of liability. A declaration of liability that we likely be sold to International Bankers (unelected and unappointed) foreign masters by our traitorous government.
We need to join us in this challenge and help us stop this madness. You can help in a number of ways.
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