In relation to MARP, the advice Thought and Action would give is not to fill out the MARP form. Whilst the MARPS process is claimed publicly to assist those in arrears with their mortgage payments, in practice it has been widely used to oblige people to sell their property- at current market prices. This ensures there will be substantial debt remaining to the vendor once the selling price is deducted from the outstanding loan. In reality, MARP is a smoke and mirrors affair, designed to give a “caring” façade to banks to the wider public, but which in reality is quite the contrary. It’s another question for the banks to answer.
“this is a personal statement from an AET member about their treatment by the banks ... After continuous negotiations with the Bank of Ireland via the (MARP) (CCMA) for over two years, they sent a letter signed with an illegible signature that cannot be recognised as it is just a scribbled blob of nonsense; non-identified name offering Voluntary Sale, Voluntary Surrender and Trading Down. My wife and I are in the process of telling them to identify this person who says she/he is the"Manager Mortgage Support Unit" Bank of Ireland. The B.O.I. won't identify this person to us. This is what we are up against. This scribbler then told us that if we disagree with the decision, we should appeal to the Mortgage Appeals Board. We sent various letters (3) with recorded delivery to the Bank of Ireland saying we cannot appeal or respond to anything until we know who this person is. Hardly clear communication when (MARP) (CCMA) is being abused by these people in the Bank of Ireland in this way.
Personally, I am fairly up to dealing with bullshit but this must be even more of a nightmare for most people who would not be as up-to-speed on this type of treatment. I should also add that I had a mental breakdown last week after a suicide attempt and was released from hospital a few days ago. People are dying in Ireland due to suicide caused by these types of pressures. When will something constructive be done by the Banks/Government. I am prepared to go public with this story and the AET know my identity. The Bank of Ireland are doing nothing to help struggling mortgage holders and when they talk of restructured mortgages all they mean is Deffered Interest Schemes. The Bank of Ireland are doing nothing but torturing Irish Mortgage holders”
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