The relics of St. John Bosco are currently visiting Ireland. Earlier today I paid a visit to the Church of the Holy Family in O’ Malley Park Limerick to venerate the relics and pray. Despite everything Catholicism is alive in Ireland. The faith is still there.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Bishop Richard Williamson Confirmation Sermon in Post Falls
Meeting on property tax to take place in Westport
The Common Law Society of Ireland is hosting a meeting on how to legally and lawfully oppose the tax on the family home. In the past Enda Kenny stated it was unjust, morally wrong and unfair to tax the family home. Details for the free event are:
Date: Saturday 2nd. March.
Time: 11am Sharp to 1pm.
Town Center, Mill Street,
Westport, County Mayo
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
'If not for your country, then for your children'
News from Tralee.
20 FEBRUARY 2013
THEY came from Killorglin, Ballybunion, Listowel and, of course, Tralee, last Sunday to voice their anger at the Government's continued policy of paying back bank debt.
The first 'Tralee Says No' march, modelled on the 'Ballyhea Says No' protests which has been going for over two years in the north Cork village, took place at 11am on Sunday outside the Kerry County Council buildings.
A respectable number of about 60 people took part in the walk and organisers said that they were happy with the turnout. Carrying banners, the group marched from the county buildings down to the roundabout at the Mile Height and back around again in a protest which took about 15 minutes to complete.
"It's a good start, I'm so pleased that there's so many new people I don't know here," said co-organiser Geraldine Nolan, from Cahermoneen in Tralee. "Ballyhea started small so we're hoping as we go on that more people will join us on Sunday mornings," she said.
Her sister and co-organiser, Mary Tobin, from Fenit, spoke to the crowd assembled after the march.
"Every Sunday we'll be here walking until the Government get it into their heads that the people of Ireland did not go mad and it's not our debt," she said.
"In simple terms, the bully in the schoolyard will always get away with it as long as everyone else does nothing. We need to send the message to the Government that we're not having it. There are a lot of people at home who see no hope but I'll tell you this much 'Tralee says No'."
Speaking to The Kerryman afterwards, Mary said the turnout was encouraging.
"We're delighted with the turnout. We were expecting just the ten of us but as you can see there's a lot of people who have wised up that it's not their debt and it's not their children's debt."
When asked why people tend not to protest in large numbers about such issues Mary offered her opinion.
"I don't know what it is about protesting in this country, is it that they think their neighbours are judging them? Nobody is judging them and they shouldn't be afraid to come out and protest. If not for your country, for your children," she said.
The protests will continue every Sunday morning at 11am outside Kerry County Council buildings in Rathass.
Time to consider your deposits in Permanent TSB as Minister withdraws ELG scheme from 28th March 2013
Namawinelake has this article in relation to troubled bank Permanent TSB which is 95.5% owned by the State. Will PTSB be gone by this summer?
February 26, 2013 by namawinelake
Well, Bank of Ireland has prevailed.
Minister for Finance Michael Noonan has announced this afternoon that that the so-called “Eligible Liabilities Guarantee” scheme will end for all new liabilities from midnight on 28th March 2013. The ELG scheme meant that deposits and bonds and all other money loaned to the banks whilst the ELG was in operation would have a backstop guarantee from the Government, so if the bank failed, then the Government would step in and cover 100% of what was owed to depositors, bondholders and other lenders to banks.
The ELG was provided by the Government but it made a charge for it. Last year,it took in €1,024m in ELG fees after taking in €1,236m the previous year, and guess what? Bank of Ireland which is now only 15%-owned by the Government wasn’t happy with having to hand over so much protection money, when Bank of Ireland felt that it was strong enough to attract deposits and loans without having the ELG in place.
The scheme was supposed to have continued until June 2013, so this announcement this afternoon is a bit of a surprise. It almost certainly means that Bank of Ireland has got its own way with Minister Noonan. There is no explanation today as to why the scheme has been ended earlier than previously.
But what about the other ELG banks – AIB/EBS and Permanent TSB?
The assessment on here is both of these banks are still in difficult straits with the potential for full-blown mortgage crises which threaten to create a wave of new losses. And Permanent TSB isn’t quite a “pillar bank” or at least it wasn’t one of the two “pillar banks” which the Government committed to supporting in March 2011.
So, could there be a Project Orange in the works right now in the Department of Finance to emergency liquidate PTSB, just as Project Red was in the planning pipeline since at least 12th October 2012? Remember that depositors at what was Anglo and Irish Nationwide are today nursing losses of at least €93m following the special liquidation three weeks ago.
But don’t panic. Even after the ELG is withdrawn, your deposits will still enjoy a guarantee of €100,000, and this is backstopped by the Central Bank of Ireland which has a €388m fund for such claims, and that fund is constantly replenished with an annual 0.2% levy by the Central Bank on all deposits in the State.The Department of Finance has issued some guidance notes that may reassure you further.
But if you have deposits of over €100,000, you might want to consider the health or AIB/EBS and PTSB closely, because the view on here is that neither is in the healthiest of states, and that with continuing high unemployment, the prospect of further property price declines, interest rate increases, less income as a result of the property charge, water charges, Croke Park 2 and anaemic domestic growth, both banks might be back looking for further handouts, and there is less than full support from the Government for PTSB in particular.
Police in Bulgaria lay down shields in solidarity with the people
As mentioned previously on T&A, police in Bulgaria put down their shields in support of people protesting.
Fianna Fáil,Fine Gael,Labour liars,traitors all
“Every single political party in Ireland do and will lie to get into the pigs trough”
The Irish are finished with political parties and deserve better.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
AIB Bank trading without a licence
Tom Darcy has taken Allied Irish Bank to the Supreme Court. What other banks/financial institutions are trading without a licence?
Liberals Innocent?
The “Eleison Comments” of Bishop Richard Williamson. It is true that liberals are at war with God. It is obvious in Ireland at the moment with those trying to introduce the direct and intentional killing of the unborn child in the womb. These people hate God.
Number CCXCIII (293)
23 February 2013
Four weeks ago “Eleison Comments” answered the question whether liberalism is as horrible as it is supposed to be in the affirmative: implicitly, liberalism is war on God. There remained the question whether the many liberals who deny they are liberals are right to deny it. The answer is surely that all of us today are so soaked in liberalism that few of us realize how liberal we are.
Liberalism in its broadest sense is man’s liberating himself from the law of God, which a man does with every sin that he commits. Therefore in its broadest sense every sinner is a liberal, and so whoever admits he is a sinner must admit he is a liberal in this broad sense. However, it is one thing to break God’s law while still admitting that God is God and his law is his law. Such a sinner is merely a practical liberal. It is quite another to break God’s law while denying that God is God or that his law is his law. Such a liberal in principle is the liberalism of modern times.
It burst upon the scene with the French Revolution of 1789. The charter of that Revolution, the Declaration of Human Rights, was in effect a declaration of man’s independence from God. From now on, if any man obeyed God’s law, he was doing so purely by his own choice, and not as under any command or commandment of God. In that apparent obedience he would not be behaving like a liberal in practice, but underneath, in everything he did, he would be a liberal in principle. This is the modern liberalism of which Catholics today often accuse their adversaries. Are these adversaries right, almost as often to deny it ? Subjectively, yes. Objectively, no.
Subjectively, yes, because ever since 1789 men have drunk more and more deeply of the false principles of the Revolution, so that if they are accused of liberating themselves from the law of God, they can sincerely reply, “What law ? What God ? What are you talking about ?” To such an extent have God and his law been apparently wiped out. But objectively, no, because God and his law have most certainly not ceased to exist, and deep down inside themselves even modern men know it. It is “inexcusable” to say that he does not exist (Rom. I, 20), and his law is written on all men’s hearts (Rom. II, 15), whatever they may say with their mouths. The “sincerely” just mentioned needs inverted commas - it is worth only what it is worth before God’s judgment seat.
Then may those authorities of the Society of St Pius X presently seeking to blend the Society into the Consular Church deny that they are liberals ? Subjectively they are no doubt persuaded that they are doing their best for the Church, but objectively they are unrepentedly seeking to put Archbishop Lefebvre’s anti-Revolutionary work under the control of Church officials intent upon making the liberal Revolution triumph once and for all. They say we must rejoin the visible Church because that is the Catholic Church. But the Anglican “church” is still visible, all over England. Does that make it Catholic ? And the present SSPX leaders cannot be unaware of how they distort and suppress words of the Archbishop to make him fit their vision of the Church.
The sad truth is that these liberals never really understood what the Archbishop was all about. While he was alive they were spellbound, like so many of us, by his Catholic charisma, but they never grasped that faith. which was to his charisma as root is to fruit. They loved the fruit - all credit to them for that - but not long after he was gone, the fruit without the root began to wilt and die. It was inevitable that unless they understood his faith, they would change his Society into their own. That is what we have seen and are seeing. Heaven help us !
Kyrie eleison.
Rosary Crusade To Protect Ireland From Abortion
Radio Interview with Tom Darcy
TNS Radio is the 1st radio station to interview Tom in relation to his case against AIB.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
How Domestic Turf Cutting Works?
Comment:Thought and Action fully supports private property and the rights of the plot holder to cut turf for their families. The families have experienced remarkable harassment from NPWS ‘Rangers’, who seem to believe they can trespass on private land. The turf cutters and 900 families are no criminals.
Whilst I haven’t ever cut turf, I have worked at bringing home turf and rural people are for the environment. This attempt to criminalise 900 families is an attack on rural Ireland and a way of life. It’s bad enough, they are now trying to tax the family home never mind attempting to criminalise families for trying to heat their home and cook meals for their family.
All for EU bureaucrats with no loyalty to Ireland or her people.
“FOR THOSE WITH LIMITED KNOWLEDGE OF HOW DOMESTIC TURF CUTTING WORKS. Each of our 900 families own a bog plot (Private Property) of between .5 and 1.5 acres. Enough turf for a family to heat their homes and cook their meals is cut in this plot. No family cuts a surplus of turf because if their bog plot is gone they will have no turf to get.
The reason why we have got such good bogs in pristine condition is because of the care and conservation measures taken by the families themselves, without any help from the state over the years. On the other hand, vast tracts of raised bog has been plundered by the Irish State but they still have 28,418 hectares of raised bog suitable for preservation in addition to what they will continue to plunder from next Monday morning onwards. No need it appears for the state to preserve its bog but it is alright for the IRISH STATE to try and make criminals of our 900 families in our 3 bogs. In one of our bogs alone, when we scientifically surveyed it, more than 10,000 cubic metres of turf grows annually in that bog. That amount is GREATER than the amount cut by the families in that bog annually.”
No Surrender Of Our Bogs!
A message from the
Barroughter & Clonmoylan Bogs Action Group
“CLONMOYLAN BOG. The 900 families in our 3 bogs will NEVER surrender OUR BOGS to the Irish State or the EU. dictators no matter what happens. Turf will be cut in all 3 bogs in six weeks time. The people of Ireland are standing shoulder to shoulder with us. Thanks to the hundreds who have sent support so far. The place to be is Loughrea on Wednesday March 6th next.”
Joan Burton ran out of Dundalk by the people
“We work for the Irish People not bankers and corrupt governments”
This picture is from Spain. Why don’t those who work in the frontline at the Revenue Commissioners do the same as these Spanish firemen and declare: “We work for the Irish People not bankers and corrupt governments”?
Friday, February 22, 2013
Update regarding Tom Darcy and AIB
Via the alternative media. Full update later
“The means to change,challenge by real people-Well done Tom Darcy.Please share!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Supreme Court of Ireland accepted the serious issues raised by me and the on going investigation by An Garda Siochana into Criminal actions by the AIB established by me. My statement was read out and not even counsel for AIB objected, not surprising the Irish media ignored the biggest thing to happen to this country since the bailout agreement; I’m back in the Supreme Court next Friday and want to thank everyone who attended today. The consequence of what I have initiated will remove the financial burden off every person in this country that entered into a financial agreement with an unlicensed Bank; this is the reality. Now its up to you to get it out to every corner of the World. The Irish Government/ Media DO NOT WANT THIS REPORTED???”
Thursday, February 21, 2013
A Day that will go down in history. Win or Lose
On behalf of the T&A network, I would like to echo the sentiment of Awaken Longford. A battle with the banks is very much a David v Goliath. The current financial system is immoral. The usury ridden economy is detonating though.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Tom also.
On a day that could well go down in history, Friday February 22nd 2013, tomorrow, one man TOM DARCY will, at 11:00 am, stand in the Supreme Court of Ireland at the Four Courts, Dublin and take on the might of the Irish Financial establishment in the guise of Allied Irish Bank. Tom Darcy will appear “In Person“, to anybody who does not understand what the term “In Person” is in Law, it means that Tom will represent himself alone, no Solicitors, no Junior Counsel’s and no Senior Counsel‘s will stand in his corner, he will be pitched against the best money can buy and you should know that it is your money, taxpayers money that will be expended by AIB to fight Tom because AIB is owned by the People of Ireland.
Tom has spent four long years fighting to get to tomorrow, he has overcome monumental obstacles, impossible odd’s, but he is here.
Tom Darcy is the first person in the history of the State to swear a criminal complaint against a Financial Institution and the personal fortitude and dogged determination required to get to this point is unimaginable, the toll cannot be measured in the effect on Tom and his family, both personally and professionally, public and private, we the ordinary people of Ireland owe him a debt of gratitude we can never repay, for Tom is doing something no Government Minister, no Financial Regulator and no Central Bank has had the courage to do in taking on the Banks in an effort to make them accountable for the carnage they have loosed on not only him but all the People of Ireland.
Tom deserves our support, so please take a moment and spare a thought for him tonight, wish him well in whatever way you can, even if it is only in your thoughts and maybe your prayers, if you can go along to the Four Courts tomorrow please do, I will be there, I wouldn’t miss it for the world…
My thoughts and prayers are with you tonight and tomorrow Tom Darcy…Godspeed….
Do not be fooled by Fianna Fail!
A poster doing the rounds via the alternative media.
Revenue Commissioners to deduct property tax at source as last resort
Comment: Firstly, don’t be intimidated by this. Secondly, do not register and do not pay this tax on the family home. Thirdly, you are not alone. There is mass opposition to a tax on the family home. Don’t be bullied.
21 FEBRUARY 2013
TAOISEACH Enda Kenny says the Revenue Commissioners will only deduct the property tax from welfare payments and bank accounts as a last resort.
Revenue chairperson Josephine Feehily confirmed today the property tax would be deducted at source from those who refused to pay.
Mr Kenny said every homeowner would have "plenty of opportunity" to make arrangements for paying the property tax.
He said the deduction at source would only happen at the "end of the process" and Revenue have had similar powers for many years.
Property Tax Meeting in Wexford
As part of their No to Property Tax regional tour, the Common Law Society of Ireland are holding a public meeting in Wexford on Saturday.
Saturday 23rd. February
11am Sharp to 1pm.
The River Bank House Hotel.
Important Notice for Property Owners!
A message from the Barroughter & Clonmoylan Bogs Action Group
“SHOW SOLIDARITY WITH THE FOUR MEN. Come to Loughrea on Wednesday March 6th at 11am. Stand up for your rights too.”
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Phil Hogan has 14 days to lodge a defence in High Court Case against him
We received the following in relation to ongoing case against Phil Hogan and co.
“We note that you/ye have failed refused or neglected to lodge a Defence to the High Court in
relation to Case Number: 2012/12340P. As a courtesy, we will extend to you/ye a final fourteen
(14) days from the date of this letter to lodge a Defence and proffer us and our client with copy
of same. Should you fail to lodge your Defence within the fourteen (14) days stipulated, we will
proceed to Judgement in default, and enforcement proceedings against you/ye will ensue.”
Bulgarian government resigns over austerity
To show their support with the people it has been reported that riot police put their shields and helmets on the ground.
Bulgaria’s leadership has announced it is planning to resign following mass protests against austerity measures, the country’s prime minister said.
"I will not participate in a government under which police are beating people," Prime Minister Boiko Borisov said. "Every drop of blood is a shame for us."
On Tuesday night, 25 people were hospitalized after demonstrators in capital Sofia clashed with police, shouting slogans against soaring electricity prices in Bulgaria, as well as chanting "Mafia" and"Resign" against the country’s leadership.
Following the violence PM Borisov however indicated that his government has done the best it could over the last four years to deal with the failing economy in Bulgaria, the EU’s poorest country.
On Tuesday, Borisov attempted in vain to calm tens of thousands who staged rallies across Bulgaria against skyrocketing electricity prices. Borisov pledged to diminish prices, sack his finance minister and sanction foreign power companies.
"Our power was handed to us by the people, today we are handing it back to them," Borisov pointed out.
Septic Lies from a Septic Government!
The two articles below demonstrate as clearly as possible that this government does not know
HOW TO LIE in a credible way.
The first article from the Irish Independent (February 19th) reports that 120,000 homeowners
did NOT register their septic tanks. The second article from the Irish Examiner (February 20th) reports that 90,000 homeowners did not register their septic tanks.THIS IS A WHOLE OF 30,000 HOMES! Is Hogan seriously trying to tell us that 30,000 people registered in the
middle of the night?! Moreover, if you return to the original articles about septic tank
registration in 2012, you will note in all the papers that there were 447,000 septic tanks said
to be in the country. A DIFFERENCE OF 53,000 SEPTIC TANKS!
It is an exact re-run of the Household Charge fraud. At the beginning of the campaign, 1.8
million houses were due to register, once council houses and housing associations were
removed from the equation. Almost overnight, this dropped inexplicably to 1.6 million. What
happened to 200,000 houses in 24 hours.
500,000 homeowners face septic tank inspections from July
Paul Melia – Irish Independent, 19 February 2013
UP TO 500,000 homeowners can expect their septic tank to be inspected from next July.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced details of a national inspection
plan with 120,000 homeowners who refused to register their tanks among the first to be
Just 1,000 inspections will take place in the first year of the new regime, but the number is
likely to increase.
The inspection regime follows a ruling from the European Court of Justice last December that
Ireland was not doing enough to protect groundwater.
The EPA said the aim of the inspection regime was to ensure that systems were working
effectively and that risks to the environment were eliminated.
Septic tanks process waste-water from houses, including water from washing machines and
toilets, and if the water is not treated effectively it can pollute groundwater and pose risks to
human health.
“There are around 500,000 homes in Ireland with domestic waste water treatment systems –
our goal is to have every single one of those working effectively,” EPA director Gerard
O’Leary said.
“If treatment systems are not working properly they can pose significant risks to people’s
health and to the environment. The National Inspection Plan initially focuses on a campaign
to advise, educate and help people to operate and maintain their systems. We want to
increase the chances of treatment systems passing inspections as this will deliver the best
outcome for public health and the environment. Inspections will begin later this year and will
be concentrated in areas in need of greatest protection.”
Inspections will be targeted in areas at high-risk, including bathing and drinking water
sources and pearl mussel beds.
Homeowners will be notified of an inspection at least ten days in advance by their local
The inspections will focus on determining whether or not the treatment system is working
properly, and will include checking to see if the system is registered, is not leaking and if it
has been properly maintained.
The EPA said owners of domestic waste water treatment systems who have registered their
system, and maintain it, do not need to take further action
Inspectors to target off-register septic tanks
Irish Examiner, February 20, 2013
The 90,000 householders yet to register their septic tank will be in the frontline of a new
inspections regime announced yesterday by the Environmental Protection Agency.
By Noel Baker
The EPA said its plan for domestic waste water systems was about safeguarding both public health and the environment.
Latest figures show that while about 500,000 homes in Ireland have domestic waste water treatment systems, 18% missed the Feb 1 deadline for registering a septic tank.
As part of the inspections scheme, certain areas will be prioritised, starting with those who have not registered.
Any household being inspected will be notified 10 days in advance.
The EPA said it was keen to prioritise homes where drinking water might be affected.
Gerard O’Leary, EPA director, said: “There are around 500,000 homes in Ireland with domestic waste water treatment systems — our goal is to have every single one of those working effectively.
“If treatment systems are not working properly, they can pose significant risks to people’s health and to the environment.
“The national inspection plan initially focuses on a campaign to advise, educate, and help people to operate and maintain their systems.”
Anyone who missed the deadline for registering their septic tank will be unable to draw down any grants and face covering the costs themselves.
Environment Minister Phil Hogan said that householders whose systems are being maintained and are not causing pollution, had nothing to fear from the implementation of the inspection plan.
Mr Hogan also labelled opposition parties “reckless” for their “irresponsible behaviour” in opposing the septic tank charges.
The EPA also welcomed the announcement Ireland was now compliant with the Court of Justice judgment in Case C-188/08, in which the European Commission had ruled against Ireland on the grounds that domestic waste waters were being discharged through septic tanks in the countryside.
Tom Darcy and AIB PLC
Vitally important information via the Anti Eviction Taskforce.
“Tom Darcy
Hi To all, firstly let me express my deepest sincere gratitude to all who have extended the hand of friendship when it was most needed to my family and I, so many names to acknowledge, My gift back to you and every citizen in this country entrenched in debt, will be offered in the Supreme Court this Friday the 22nd, when I as the first person in Irish history will seek a stay because of a Garda Siochana investigation of criminal actions I initiated on the 14th of February 2013 at 21.30 in Malahide Garda Station against a unlicensed regulated entity (AIB) those that doubt should down load a copy of the annual renewal for a banking licence from the central bank and read page 13, if you fill out you licence and fail to state or omit facts YOU DON’T HAVE A LICENCE TO TRADE, which is a criminal Act, so what about those thousands of loans out there that was predicated on unlicensed entities.??? send this out please!!!”
“Tom Darcy Statement to Garda:
I Thomas Darcy of 21 Myra Manor Kinsealy Co Dublin, Hereby seek an investigation into the actions and practices of the AIB plc. 1, Contrary to the Criminal procedures Act of 1993. 2, violation of the Central Bank Acts 1941-1989.3, violations of insolvency Act 1986,violations of the consumer protection code of the Central Bank 2006.4, violations of banking legislation.5, violations of contractual Law 1950-2006.6, violations of Civil Law, constitutional Law 1937-2012 and Company Law 1963-2001
I purchased a loan from AIB PLC in January 2006,2007,2008 it was an interest roll up facility, the contract was a preformatted contract drafted by the AIB PLC,
I wish for your department to investigate the legitimacy of the AIB PLC holding a true perfected Banking licence in accordance with the Central Bank Act of 1941-1971, on examination of the AIBs financial records for the periods of 2007, 2008, 2009; the AIB ignored its mandatory obligation to meet regulatory requirements as prescribed by Irish statute law, the AIB ignored its liquidity requirements on deposit ratio accounts, its loan deposit accounts and its liquidity coverage ratios, each one a fundamental requirement on the renewal of the AIBs Banking licence as required by Irish statute law in accordance to the Central Bank of Ireland act of 1971, this is a criminal Act, the AIBs wilful neglect of duty to honour its legislated requirements is evidenced in the AIBs own financial records and the necessity for a twenty billion euro bailout. I seek confirmation from your department that the AIB was in breach of the legislated requirements on renewal of its trading licence, and I request an inquiry into said action.
I further seek from your department an investigation into the preformatted contract for the purpose of an interest roll up loan by the AIB PLC. I seek your legislated opinion to the AIB advancing monies before the preformatted contract was signed or in place.
I further seek from your department confirmation that the AIB plc negated its mandatory obligation to adhere to reverse lending policies and negligently exposed its shareholders to insolvency contrary to prescribed legislation
I further seek your legislated opinion to the AIB PLC changing terms and conditions of the preformatted contract without notification or consultation and violations and non compliance with the consume Credit Acts and Consumer protection Code
I further seek from your department an investigation into the AIB PLC seeking payment for profit of interest charged on loans terminated by the AIB PLC and financed by the taxpayers totalling €7.2B and non compliance to the conditions of the bail out agreement December 2009 by the regulated entities (Banks)
I await your reply; a copy of this letter was forwarded to the European Ombudsman and the European Central Bank complaints department
Tom Darcy”
Monday, February 18, 2013
Di Noia, Annoyer
The weekly column of Bishop Richard Williamson.
Number CCXCII (292)
16 February 2013
Two months ago the Vice-president of Rome’s Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei addressed to the Superior General of the Society of St Pius X and to all its priests a letter of several pages, accessible on the Internet, which Fr. Lombardi as spokesman for the Holy See called a “personal appeal”. The letter has been raising comments ever since. It is clearly the latest move in Rome’s campaign to bring the SSPX to heel, and put an end to its 40-year resistance to the Conciliar Revolution. As Bishop de Galarreta said in October of 2011, even if the SSPX turns down Rome’s offers, still Rome will keep coming back. Sure enough. But let us see briefly what Archbishop Di Noia has to say to “Your Excellency and dear Priestly Brothers of the Society of St Pius X”:--
He begins by admonishing Society leaders, notably Fr Schmidberger, Fr Pfluger and Bishop Fellay (in that order) for giving interviews so critical of Rome as to call in question whether the SSPX really wants reconciliation with Rome. Moreover, doctrinal differences are as intractable as ever between the SSPX and Rome. So he calls for a new approach, focusing on unity instead.
Church unity is hindered by four vices and promoted by the four opposing virtues of humility, mildness, patience and charity. Dividers of the Church are enemies of God. All we need is love. Away then with “harsh and unproductive rhetoric”. Let the SSPX fulfil its charism of forming priests, but priests who will be docile to the official Magisterium, who will preach the Faith and not polemics, and who will treat theological problems not in front of untrained layfolk but with the competent authorities in Rome. The Pope is the supreme judge of such difficult questions. In conclusion, Benedict XVI does want reconciliation. Bitterness must be healed. In Our Lord’s words, “Let them be one.” (End of the Archbishop’s letter.)
Notice in passing how, typically for modern man and for modernists, the Archbishop brackets out the essential question of doctrine, but this letter’s main interest lies elsewhere : how could the Archbishop have dared to address it to all SSPX priests without prior collusion with SSPX HQ ? It served him by forwarding the letter to all SSPX priests ! Here is one indication amongst many others that there are contacts between Rome and SSPX HQ that are kept from public view. But the question then arises, what motive can SSPX HQ have had to give to the modernist Archbishop such privileged and dangerous access to all SSPX priests ? Does it want them to become modernists also ? Surely not ! But it may well want to help Rome towards “reconciliation”.
By transmitting the Archbishop’s loving appeal, SSPX HQ gets the sweet message through to all SSPX priests without anybody being able to accuse HQ itself of going soft. On the contrary, the Roman letter makes them all see how nice the Romans are. True, there is a gentle rebuke to the SSPX leaders for not being nice, but that will serve to show how these are standing firm in defence of the Faith ! Above all, the letter will have served as a trial balloon, to test the priests’ reactions. What are they thinking ? Both Rome and Menzingen need to calculate at what point to go ahead with a “reconciliation” such as will carry with it a large majority of the priests, and not alienate so many that organized resistance to the New World Order religion will continue.
Dear SSPX priests, if you do not want to be swallowed alive by New Order Rome, I gently advise you to react. Let your Superiors know, as discretely as you like but in no uncertain terms, that you want nothing,but nothing, to do with Conciliar Rome, until it clearly abandons the Council.
Kyrie eleison.
American War Machine and Shannon Airport!
Today (Monday) a retired US Army colonel and State Department official who resigned because of the invasion of Iraq is visiting Shannon Airport in Ireland. Money talks and the airport has been used to facilitate the American War Machine.
To their shame many Catholics and Christians have facilitated the aggression. In the Cathedral in Ennis, the Yankee and EU flag are flying on Cathedral grounds. Shame on them.
There are those who did object and do oppose these wars for a variety of reasons.
Irish patriots should oppose the deployment of Irish soldiers to Mali. The French are fighting Islamists in Mali whilst financing them in Syria. We all know who benefits from and finances the wars.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Receiver Walls Farmer In
Well done to them. The knocked wall is symbolic of a crumbling system.
Posted on February 17, 2013
On February 16th, our own Ben Gilroy decided to take a break from the twenty-four-seven job that is being Leader of Direct Democracy Ireland to enjoy a barbecue with his friends and family. Little did Ben know that a receiver was perhaps intentionally taking advantage of Ben’s small amount of relaxation, in the nearby county of Kildare. A receiver decided that the best way to carry out his improperly signed and therefore invalid court order was to physically wall a farmer and his family into their house.
A motto we love here at People For Economic Justice is “If my brother is in trouble. then so am I”. People for Economic Justice quickly mobilized and arranged for the wall to be removed.
And the of course, no prizes for what happened next.
How people can legally and lawfully deal with Receivers?
Do take a read of and share the pdf.
Mortgage mayhem follows Anglo deal
Thought and Action is among those assisting people with the banks. Other recommended organisations are People for Economic Justice, Debt Options, The Common Law Society of Ireland, the Anti-Eviction Eviction Taskforce. Many blogs and websites will continue to spread the necessary information. Again let us remember with pride, Seamus Sherlock and his family.
The Irish will not be slaves to debt and banksters.
POOR Patrick Honohan. He must be at the end of his tether. His colourful choice of imagery on Sean O'Rourke's Week in Politics programme last Sunday was arresting.
The Governor of the Central Bank revealed that the top brass in Dublin's Dame Street fortress were "tearing their hair out" at the lack of action from the banks.
The RTE interview should have been a lap of honour for Patrick. He had just pulled off a big deal on the Anglo promissory notes. So why in the name of God was the folically challenged Patrick "tearing his hair out"?
Patrick's outburst smelled of desperation, bang in the middle of sampling a Pyrrhic victory. Patrick was signalling a far worse problem than the Anglo promissory notes. The mortgage arrears crisis is coming to a crunch. And the banks have been simply ignoring the warnings from the Central Bank.
What is new?
Nothing at all. Once again bankers are running rings around regulators. This time the problem may be too big, even for professor Pat.
It was last October when Central Bank chief Fiona Muldoon stunned the bankers after she let them have it with both barrels about their failure to tackle mortgage debt. Fiona was the advance party in a Central Bank offensive to get the bankers off their butts.
The bankers hardly budged. Mortgage arrears have continued to soar.
One month ago Honohan publicly told the Dail's Finance committee that he was "unhappy" with the progress on mortgage debt. Everybody tut-tutted solemnly. Last Sunday he stamped his foot on Sean O'Rourke's programme. He grabbed a few headlines. The bankers sat tight, absorbing the abuse, but doing nothing.
And last Wednesday the Central Bank held a timely conference on "How to Fix Distressed Property Markets".
The host, Professor Patrick, opened the event with a broadside about the "extraordinary level of mortgage arrears in the State". Speakers from abroad were hauled in to tell us how fatal would be our laissez-faire approach to mortgage arrears.
Independent experts were damning in their verdicts. The Central Bank had organised a conference with critical speeches – heavily loaded in favour of house repossessions – as part of the solution to a mortgage crisis. A none-too- subtle message was being sent to the bankers and the Government.
What looked like a modest series of alert warnings a few months ago seems more like pure panic today.
Patrick is looking down the barrel of a gun. My guess is that there were two important dates in his calendar this year. The first was the pushover, March 31, D-Day for the Anglo notes.
The second was far more important. And far more dangerous. Originally, pencilled in for early July, the Irish banks were due to be stress- tested.
Stress tests have proved awkward hurdles for Irish banks. The last one, two years ago, has left still unanswered questions about the possibility of a flawed process, the bizarre treatment of a Central Bank whistleblower and the consequent credibility of the final outcome.
For some mysterious reason this year's stress test has been postponed. Originally scheduled for the summer, it has now been pushed back till the autumn. Even then, it leaves very little breathing space for Patrick to sort out mortgage debt. If the result of the stress test is credible this time, it will tell us that the banks are refusing to tackle a mortgage monster that is poised to expose them as insolvent.
The omens are not good. Action on the mortgage arrears front is close to a standstill. Bankers are relishing their paralysis. While repossessions stand close to zero the number of borrowers falling into arrears is rocketing. Recapitalisation looms.
Nearly one in four mortgages is in distress. Currently 135,000 homeowners fall into the arrears category.
The banks are reluctant to repossess any houses because the arrival of a flood of residences on the market will depress property values and expose the lower value of all the properties held on their books. In turn that will reveal that they have grossly underprovided for bad debts.
If they were then forced to write down the value of their security to realistic levels, they would urgently require more capital. Which they do already – but they are happy to pretend that the values are much higher.
In other words, they have been lying. Old habits die hard.
The bankers' escapism has been connived at by the Government. No politician wants to see repossessions. No Government wants to force the property market down to realistic levels. No regime wants to return to the taxpayer for more funds to prop up the banks. Better to live well in a fool's paradise than to meet your maker.
The refusal of the banks to repossess homes is far from an act of human kindness. It is a necessity to protect their web of lies. They are conveniently protected by a 2009 judgment, forbidding a lender to apply for repossession in certain circumstances .
Yet their failure to act, and the Government's reluctance to change the law, is leaving punters puzzled. Pressurised borrowers have naturally taken advantage of the lax regime exercised by bankers, albeit for unscrupulous reasons. The result is predictable. Mortgage repayments have become an optional extra.
Borrowers have learned that non-payment provokes few, if any, immediate penalties. They are discovering that their neighbours are not paying their mortgages either. Nothing happens.
The Government is colluding with the banks to allow mortgage mayhem.
And the number of punters in arrears is certain to rise in the coming months. Just wait until the Government's wretched property tax bills drop through the letter boxes. Homeowners will realise that they have no choice over whether to pay the property tax, as it will be confiscated from their wages or their social welfare by the taxman.
In order to pay their property tax, many will opt not to pay their mortgage, knowing that their seemingly benign, but deeply cynical banker is frightened of taking any action against them in case the entire edifice of lies collapses .
Mortgage anarchy is in prospect.
The banks have given the two fingers to the Central Bank. They are squatting on phantom balance sheets living in a fantasy world of padded house valuations. The day of reckoning is at hand.
The Government responded to the crisis with a feeble Personal Insolvency Bill, a piece of legislation that left power over mortgage arrears in the hands of the bankers.
Honohan has threatened to give the bankers "direction". They are hardly quivering with fear. God knows why he did not take this course years ago. He will need to kick ass, to tell them to recognise realistic values in their balance sheets, to make adequate provisions and then to come clean on their real capital needs. Alongside the mortgage arrears timebomb the Anglo promissory note was a walk in the park.
Patrick has seen into the abyss. That is why he is tearing his hair out.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Everything you ever wanted to know about the recent sale by PTSB of your assets for €287m
Namawinelake has this article regarding the bank that is 99.5% owned by the Irish people.
The title is sarcastic really, you’re not going to learn very much.
As is now standard form in Ireland where drunks vote through draconian laws with colossal economic ramifications in the dead of the night, where clowns who oversee €3.7bn errors in the national accounts get promoted to Europe, where one minister seems to be doing his level best to undermine our meat sector, where another is suing a paper over a picture in a midnight bar on Budget week, and another still is suing a paper over what must be the only daub of mud thrown at him in the last year that isn’t true and where the most formidable judge in the land make decisions without access to the laws upon which he is ruling and where state employees take up senior positions in private sector companies which only days previously they had intimately overseen;
As is standard form in such a country, today we bring you details of the disposal of a massive tranche of state assets at the end of 2012, when Permanent TSB, the bank which we now 99.5% own sold car loans and other corporate assets in a deal which netted the tax payer €287m. The loans seemingly had a written-down value in PTSB’s books of €351m, so you, the tax payer shouldered a loss of €64m on that one transaction – nearly three years worth of respite care grants.
In the Dail yesterday, the Minister for Finance Michael Noonan fielded a series of questions on the transaction from the Sinn Fein finance spokesperson, Pearse Doherty, but really Minister Noonan just batted them away without disclosing anything like the level of detail to give assurance or confidence that the taxpayer wasn’t disadvantaged in the transaction.
So here’s what Minister Noonan won’t tell us (1) the full identity of the buyers (2) the loss on the transaction (3) the identities of the third parties engaged in the transaction and the fees paid (4) the recent trading results of one of the operating units which had 82 staff which was sold to its management. We do find out that the sale was to parties identified by PTSB and wasn’t open to the wider market.
It’s depressing.
The full parliamentary questions and responses are below.
Deputy Pearse Doherty: further to the statement by Permanent TSB in November 2012 confirming that it was selling loans with a value net of provisions and write-offs of €351m at February 2012, if he will identify the beneficial buyer of these loans.
Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan: I am informed by Permanent TSB that the majority of the loan assets of Permanent TSB Finance Limited and the entire loan assets of Blue Cube Personal Loans Limited were sold to Consumer Auto Receivables Finance Limited in late 2012. In addition, a small portfolio of largely corporate loans was sold by Permanent TSB Finance Limited to a third party global bank. I am informed by Permanent TSB that the terms of the sale preclude it from providing additional information without the consent of the other parties.
Deputy Pearse Doherty: further to the statement by Permanent TSB, confirming that it was selling loans with a value net of provisions and writeoffs of €351m at February 2012, in return for consideration of €287m, if he will confirm the loss that was booked by PTSB on the transaction; if he will outline the process undertaken by PTSB to dispose of the assets in order to maximize the return on the transaction; and if he will provide a schedule of the recipients, fees, and costs incurred by PTSB on the transaction.
Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan: I am informed by Permanent TSB that the loss booked on disposal is subject to audit and will be published in the Bank’s Annual Report which is due to be published in March 2013. Permanent TSB advises that a competitive sales process was undertaken, facilitated by the Bank’s corporate finance advisors. The Bank has informed me that over 20 parties were initially invited to express their interest in acquiring the assets and that multiple bidders were maintained through each stage of the process. I have been informed by Permanent TSB that ultimately exclusivity was offered to the bidder whose offer maximised the return to the Bank. Permanent TSB informs me that the total fees payable to all advisors, for services provided over a 14 month period will be disclosed in the Annual Report.
Deputy Pearse Doherty: further to the statement by Permanent TSB, confirming that it was selling two operating units to management for nominal consideration, if he will provide an outline of the valuations undertaken by PTSB of the two units so as to ensure the sale price was adequate; if he will provide the sales, operating profit, impairments and net profit after tax for the two units for each of the past five years; and if he will further provide the balance sheet for each of the units at 31 December 2011.
Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan: I am advised by Permanent TSB that the sale price achieved after a detailed process was recommended by the financial advisers and approved by the Boards of Permanent TSB Finance and Permanent TSB. I am informed by Permanent TSB that the remaining information sought is commercially sensitive. Permanent TSB advises that the financial impact of the sale will be reflected in the Annual Report due to be published in March of this year.
Deputy Pearse Doherty: further to the statement by Permanent TSB, confirming that it was selling two operating units to management for nominal consideration, if he will confirm the number of staff employed at both units and the number of staff being transferred to the buyer of the units; if he will confirm if any redundancies have resulted from the transaction; and, if so, the number and cost of such redundancies.
Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan: As I previously stated in response to PQ 53111/12 Permanent TSB has advised me that there are 82 employees employed at the two operating units and that all of the staff are being transferred to First Citizen Finance Limited. Therefore no redundancies have resulted from the transaction.
Deputy Pearse Doherty: further to the statement by Permanent TSB, confirming that it was selling loans with a value net of provisions and writeoffs of €351m at February 2012, if he will provide an outline of any other imminent disposals by PTSB.
Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan: I am advised by Permanent TSB that no loan book disposals are envisaged by it at this time.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Show solidarity with the South East Galway Turf cutters!
Thought and Action is encouraging readers and supporters to attend the court hearings in large numbers on 6th March. These four men are not criminals. Last year the Siege of Clonmoylan took place.
Turf cutters facing court as bog row escalates
February 14, 2013 - 7:00amby Ciaran Tierney
The war which has raged on Co. Galway bogs over the past year looks set to escalate ahead of the new turf-cutting season after four contractors were issued with summonses this week for using machinery in defiance of European Union designations.
In the first case of its kind in Ireland, Gardaí called to the homes of four contractors in South East Galway on Tuesday night and issued them with summonses for cutting turf at Clonmoylan Bog, near Portumna, on August 21 of last year.
The four men are due to appear before Loughrea District Court on Wednesday, March 6, when they can expect to receive support from hundreds of protestors from all over the country who are enraged that they no longer have the right to cut turf on their own land.
The summonses relate to using machinery “without lawful authority” for the “extraction or mining of natural resources”, including turf or peat, contrary to Section 35 (1)(B) and Section 67 (2) of the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011.
It will be the first time anyone in the State faces prosecution for cutting turf on one of the 53 Special Area of Conservation (SAC) bogs where the EU designations came into effect at the start of last year.
One of the men who received a summons on Tuesday, Michael Darcy, had his machinery seized and later burned out during an emotional 24-hour siege between local people, Gardai, and National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) rangers at Clonmoylan Bog, near Portumna, in June of last year.
Mr Darcy had already considered legal action against the State as a result of the destruction of his machinery and his summons has enraged members of the Barroughter, Clonmoylan, and Ardraigue Bog Action Group (BAG), which represents 900 families in the area.
Mr Darcy has cut turf for local families for three decades and his father was also a contractor who worked with local people on the three bogs.
See full story in this week's Connacht Tribune.
GOD : The Pre-Requisite For All Politics
An excellent conference given by Bishop Richard Williamson in London. The Frankfurt School and other topics are discussed.
Enda Kenny: “Any tax on a persons home is immoral, unjust and unfair”
The words of Enda Kenny when in opposition. There should be no tax on the family home. It does not generate wealth. There is still strong opposition to this tax on the family home.
Household Charge/Property Tax Meeting in Carlow
Tomorrow (Saturday 16th February) the Common Law Society of Ireland is holding a meeting in relation to the household charge/property tax. The details are:
- Time: 11am to 1pm.
- Date: 16th. February.
- Venue: Seven Oaks Hotel.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
The Destruction of Dresden in 1945
This was a St. Valentine’s Day massacre carried out by the Allied forces during WWII. A diabolical act carried out at the behest of the War Criminal Churchill.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Ash Wednesday
"Remember man that thou art dust and unto dust thou shalt return."
Day of Action
Thought and Action, which is neither left or right carried out a day of action yesterday (Shrove Tuesday). The A5 size leaflets circulated were in relation to opposing abortion, opposing the property tax and water charges. The issues effecting our communities goes beyond the false paradigm of ‘left’ v ‘right’. There was a great response to the day of action. Do continue your opposition in your local community.
"It is the first day of a journey to a better future"
The words of Enda Kenny when selected as Taoiseach in March 2011. In his “covenant” with the Irish people, he stated that by 2016, the centenary of 1916, that Ireland would be the best small country in the world in which to do business, raise a family and grow old with dignity and respect.
This is interesting coming from a political party that plans to legislate for the direct and intentional killing of the future generation. A party that wants a tax on the family home via the property tax, a party having a tax on water, a party supporting enslaving people in bank debt, a party who has supported mass immigration and happy to see the youth of Ireland being exported, a party, who has discouraged small business and failed on jobs and crime.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Arrests and Garda Aggression at No to Property Tax protests
From across the country it appears Gardai were heavy handed and made arrests against citizens quite correctly opposing the household charge and property tax. This attack on peaceful and legitimate protest shows that the system is feeling the pressure.
Citizens must continue to oppose the property tax and water charges.
Victims of the Abortionist!
Both mother and baby are now dead at the hands of the abortionist.
BREAKING: Carhart’s victims identified
I did not report on the death last week of a patient of late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart because I did not have corroboration.
I now do.
Carhart’s alleged victims were 29-year-old Jennifer McKenna Morbelli, pictured right, and her 33-week-old preborn daughter, Madison Leigh. Read their obituary here.
My sincere sympathies go to Jennifer and Madison’s family, who is certainly suffering unimaginable grief.
I confirmed the identities of the victims through two sources. After a name ID was received from an impeccable informant, sidewalk counselors at the abortion clinic positively identified Jennifer’s obituary photo. Jennifer’s obituary also states she “passed away suddenly.”
Following is the information and timeline pieced together through those and other sources. Operation Rescue’s Cheryl Sullenger is to be commended for her work exposing this terrible tragedy.
Jennifer was married and a kindergarten teacher at Church Street Elementary School in White Plains, New York. Jennifer was carrying a wanted baby. At present her registry is still online. Very sad to view. (UPDATE 2/10 12:20p:Registry link has been removed. View screen shot here.)
Approximately two weeks ago Jennifer learned her daughter suffered from fetal anomalies.
Jennifer, her husband, her parents, and her sister traveled to Carhart’s late-term Germantown Reproductive Health Services abortion clinic in Germantown, Maryland, last weekend.
Carhart began the abortion process on Sunday, February 3, in the afternoon, according to sidewalk counselors who maintain a constant presence at the clinic when it is open. They noted Jennifer appeared “very” late-term.
According to those counselors, Sunday is when Carhart kills late-term babies by lethal injection into the heart through the mothers’ abdominal wall.
Jennifer and her family returned on Monday, presumably to begin the labor induction process by insertion of laminaria or prostaglandins to dilate the cervix, and again on Tuesday.
They likely spent each night at a nearby hotel, as is the usual process for a multi-day, late-term abortion at Carhart’s Germantown clinic.
Each day sidewalk counselors noted in real-time annotations that Jennifer appeared more and more pale.
The family returned again on Wednesday, presumably for the delivery of Jennifer’s dead baby Madison, staying nine hours, an extraordinary length of time. They left at 4:35 p.m.
Carhart and his wife Mary Lou left soon afterward. The two typically fly out on Wednesday afternoons to either Indianapolis, Indiana, or Bellevue, Nebraska, to commit abortions on Thursdays. Carhart is what’s known as a “circuit rider” abortionist.
At approximately 5:00 a.m. on Thursday, February 7, Jennifer presented at Shady Grove Adventist Hospital in Rockville, Maryland, which is almost nine miles from Carhart’s clinic.
Family members told hospital personnel they had tried to reach Carhart several times, but he did not return their calls.
At approximately 9:00 a.m. Jennifer coded. She coded a total of six times before she was pronounced dead at about 10:00 a.m.
It was during this time Carhart called the hospital. He never showed up.
A medical examiner was called due to the unusual circumstance of an otherwise healthy 29-year-old suddenly dying. The examiner spend 4-1/2 hours with the patient’s chart. The Washington Post reported yesterday that both the medical examiner and Montgomery County Police Department are conducting an investigation.
Carhart’s clinic licensed the day before Morbelli died
It is not known whether the State of Maryland will close down Carhart’s mill pending these and other investigations. In November 2012 the state enacted abortion clinic regulations. Ironically, the day before Morbelli died the state licensed 17 abortion clinics, including Carhart’s, but without ever inspecting them.
After Tiller
LeRoy Carhart is likely the most prominent abortionist in America.
Carhart was the plaintiff in two U.S. Supreme Court cases, Stenberg v. Carhartin 2000, which he won and which forced the State of Nebraska to overturn its ban against partial birth abortions; and Gonzales v. Carhart in 2007, which he lost and which allowed the federal Partial-Birth Abortion Ban to stand.
Thoughts on the Magdalen Laundries
Last week The McAleese Report was published. There has been much talk of an apology and much agitation too from anti-Catholic enemies. If anything there should be an apology to the four religious orders. The report distinguished fact from fiction. I mentioned agitation. Many who exploited the deaths of Savita Halappanavar and her unborn child are now agitating and exploiting the Magdalen Homes and the women, who lived there. The Labour party, who are anti Catholic are agitating. The ‘far left’, who stand in the tradition of Bolshevism, gulags and mass murder are agitating. Where would Christians be if these ‘Reds’ were in power? Our forefathers fought against their foul, atheistic communism.
Our Divine Lord had enemies. Christians have enemies. The Catholic Church has enemies. The religious sisters have enemies. Yes, we may disagree with them with their liberalism after Vatican II etc etc but they played a great and necessary role in our society. Many women, who lived with them never wanted an apology. They were cared for by the nuns and lifelong friendships continued after the Laundries were closed.
The four orders have acknowledged their mistakes. In reality a Capitalist system viciously exploited the orders. The nuns were taken advantage of. The report dispels the notion that the Laundries were for profit, money making ventures by heartless ‘brides of Christ’. The sisters also worked hard. Conditions were harsh at different points through the decades.
Were the Magdalen Homes ‘houses of horror’? Certainly not. Harsh words were experienced but no physical or sexual abuse took place. The film, ‘The Magdalene Sisters’ directed by a Marxist has been discredited and even Patricia Burke Brogan acknowledged her work is fiction. She herself was a novice at the Mercy Convent in Galway and saw no physical or sexual abuse.
Time and again, the State has failed its citizens. The religious sisters did their best and as one order stated in their statement “It is regrettable that the Magdalen Homes had to exist at all.”
Let us pray for the women, who are dead and for those still living. Prayers also for the religious sisters. Prayers also to forgive those who abandoned girls and women, who were in need.
The social teachings are vital in our day also.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Fourth Trial
The weekly "Eleison Comments" of Bishop Williamson
Number CCXCI (291)
9 February 2013
A reader asks about my latest trial and condemnation for “Holocaust denial” by the Regional Court of Regensburg in South Germany on January 16. Readers will remember that my original offence was on November 1, 2008, to have told a Swedish interviewer for Swedish TV in the privacy of the sacristy of the German Seminary of the Society of St Pius X, but on German soil, that I believed neither that “Six Million Jews” died under Hitler’s rule in the Second World War, nor that one single Jew died in a “gas-chamber”.
For expressing these beliefs in Germany, where “holocaust denial” is a statutory crime, I was tried and condemned by the Regensburg Regional Court in 2010, and the punishment was to be a fine of €10,000. I appealed. The same Court condemned me again in 2011, but the fine was reduced to €6,500. I appealed again, so the case went higher, to the Provincial Court in Nuremberg, which I was told is less subject to outside pressure. And the three judges dismissed the case on procedural grounds, obliging the Bavarian State to pay my legal expenses, but also leaving it free to correct its procedural errors and start all over again.
Now not only does what is known as the “Holocaust” serve as the secular religion of the New World Order (Auschwitz replaces Calvary, the gas-chambers replace the Cross of Our Lord, and the Six Million play the part of the Redeemer), but also it seems to me that the post-World War II Germans have difficulty in respecting themselves unless they are beating their breast for the alleged crimes of the Third Reich. So they pursue “Holocaust denial” with a vengeance, and on January 16 I was prosecuted for the third time in front of a lady judge of Regensburg.
Two German lawyers fought hard in my defence, but in vain - I was condemned again. However the lady judge did lessen the stigma attaching to the accusation, and out of compassion for my unemployed state she did reduce the fine to €1,600. No doubt the Bavarian State would be happy to be rid of the case, if only I would accept to pay the much reduced fine. A noble colleague in the SSPX begged for the privilege to pay it all by himself. But much more than just money is at stake. A great nation, the true religion and God’s World Order are all involved.
“Truth is mighty and will prevail”, said the Latins. So any nation, religion or World Order resting on untruths is fragile and will crumble in the end. Now truth lies in the matching of my mind to reality, and not to cravings for national self-respect, nor to felt needs of religion, nor to the demands of any godless World Order. And historical truth goes by evidence, the most reliable kind of which is the material relics of the past, because these are in principle quite independent of human emotions. “For this was I born, and for this I came into the world; that I should give testimony to the truth,” says Our Lord (Jn. XVIII, 37). What tranquillity in the divine words !
I kindly refused my colleague’s offer. I have appealed again.
Kyrie eleison.
BEWARE of bankers bearing gifts
Comment: An opinion piece. See below. It has to be said that not all bankers are banksters. Often the lady at the customer service hasn’t a clue about banking, and would face losing her job if she started to ask the fat cat upstairs about the swindle of modern banking. They are gangsters and enslaving people and Nations to debt is all a game to them. Self interest is their world. One bankster, Lloyd Blankfein stated bankers are doing "God's work". What a perverse and diabolical statement to make.
That is the warning coming from consumer groups after the banks came over all consumer-friendly and started offering to do deals with heavily indebted households.
They are now offering to write off some unsecured debt, in return for most of what money there is left in a struggling household going towards the mortgage.
Almost five years into the financial crisis, with hardly a week passing without someone in the Central Bank criticising lenders for not doing deals with those in mortgage arrears, are the banks finally seeing sense?
Don't be silly. The banks are doing what the banks always do – they are aggressively protecting their backs.
It is no coincidence that the new initiative, brokered by the Irish Banking Federation, comes just months ahead of new personal insolvency rules coming into force.
The new insolvency regime will replace the outdated bankruptcy system with court-approved deals between borrowers and banks, with some debt written off if an agreed payment agreement is kept over a five-year period.
Heavily indebted consumers will be represented by a personal insolvency practitioner.
But there will be nobody to represent the consumer under the initiative launched by the banks this week, David Hall of the Irish Mortgage Holders' Organisation has asserted.
He maintains that any system where the lenders are in charge will fail.
So consumers would be well advised to treat this offer from the banks with some scepticism.